This is how you fall in love- (Sophie)

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"What's easy is right", my mother's advice

I remember that day so many years ago.

I walked up to my mom after a fantastic date with Keefe. She smiles at me and asks, "You had fun?" I reply, "Yeah I did" . I reminisce how we had flown with Silveny and had a picnic near a beautiful waterfall. I never have to pretend to be someone else with him. I can be the good ol' Sophie with him, and he still loves me. "You know, you both are meant to be" mom says, as if reading my thoughts. "Maybe you don't realise it now- it's only been 2 years that you have dated him, but the fact that you rarely have fights, and even if you do, you always manage to make up within a day or so suggests that you are a match made in heaven." I agree to it , because a feeling in my gut tells me mom's right.

You are the reason I never think twice

Keefe is the only one holding me together. His constant support- no matter what, and his belief in me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it, are the only things that help me take up bold decisions. With him, I never have to second- guess myself, he's always there every step of the way. He's my armor, helping me get through my somewhat chaotic life, as he did earlier when we were teenagers.

Wherever we go, what glitters is gold

Being with the love of my life makes me ecstatic and so, so happy. Keefe constantly assures me that he does not care about my matchmaking status, neither about the fact that I was made in a lab as an experiment. As for my eyes, I find them dull and boring, but to him, they are the most beautiful eyes in the world. The way he loves me unconditionally makes me forget all my problems- I love him and his company to infinity.

You'll be my best friend until we grow old

His jokes, his loving, caring and adoring nature have me enthralled. I feel on top of the world with him, as if I can do anything in that moment. Spending quality time with him is pure bliss- his sweet kisses, hugs and warmth enrapture me completely. Being with him my whole life is such a beautiful prospect, I can't believe I'm living that once-thought-as-a-dream of mine.

 I had a nightmare

I can see Lady Gisela threatening to kill him if I don't surrender. He pleads to me not to. I'm not sure what I should do. He's my everything, I can't afford to lose him. Just as I'm about to make a decision, Lady Gisela pulls out a melder, hitting him with it. I watch in horror as he collapses to the ground, his breathing becoming ragged until his chest stops moving. I cry out in pain, blindly thrashing, screaming and sobbing. I wake up in a frenzy, my chest heaving.

But now that I'm not scared

Keefe envelops me into a hug, stroking my hair tenderly and trying to calm me down. He murmurs words of assurance into my ears, as I continue sobbing into his shoulder. After a while, I've quieted down. He gently lays down, with my head against his chest, as he protectively wraps an arm around me and covers us up with the sheets. He kisses my forehead softly as warmth floods inside me. Slowly and steadily, I fall into a peaceful slumber, knowing that he's by my side- safe and sound.

This is how you fall in love

Each day, I fall in love with him a little more. I get to know more about him every day- little habits and quirks. I can't imagine living without him- it won't be worth it. The way he calls me 'Foster', and his affectionate, homey side makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I've loved him before, I still do ,and will continue to- until the end of time.

Let go and I'll hold you up

Keefe often feels sad- a side effect of his childhood. During those times, I try my best to be whatever he needs, I can't afford to see him like this- it breaks my heart. He relies on me, and shares his true feelings, while I embrace him, peppering his face with small kisses and trying to make him feel good. His frown eventually turns into a real smile, his face lighting up, as he reciprocates my actions, feeling happy.

So pull me tight and close your eyes

We dance together under Calla's tree. Keefe twirls me around, catching me by surprise- I let out a squeak and then laugh as he bends me down. He smiles down at me- a beautiful, affectionate smile, which melts my heart. He brings me up, and hugs me tightly.

Oh, my love, side to side

I put my hands behind his neck, as his go around my waist. My brown eyes lock with his mesmerizing ice blue ones, as our foreheads touch and he smiles lovingly at me. I'm pretty sure I'm doing the same. Gently, our lips come together in a sweet, passionate kiss- I savour the moment.

The sky is freckled with stars, while light from Havenfield casts a soft glow everywhere. We look at each other in contentment and happiness, gently swaying together to the chirping of insects in the distance.

Oh, my love, side to side

Oh, my love, side to side

A/N: So here's the second part for the song oneshot-which I made in Sophie's POV. Honestly, this isn't as great as Keefe's POV (the 1st part), but this is the best I could come up with as I tried to relate with the lyrics. 

I hope you ppl enjoyed this one. Plus, I have a few oneshots which I'll be posting in a day or two:)

Stay safe, happy and healthy- ilysm guys


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