Tattoos and Roses

816 12 15

Human AU

Paris is a beautiful city.

They say it's the city of love, romance.

A place where dreams come true.

A place where lovers go.

But that's not all.

Paris is a beautiful city to live in, too.

At least that's what Keefe feels.

Its quaint little streets, dotted with small shops selling trinkets, flowers and whatnot- they enthrall him.

He can breathe in this place, indulge in the vintage sights all over the city, drowning out the harsh noises of traffic.

He loves it here. Even more so, his job.

It makes him happy to know that his father is pissed off at him for doing this.

Because it's his life, and this was his choice.

He's happy- but there's something more he wishes for.

Don't get him wrong- he thoroughly enjoys himself.

He truly does.

Yet, whenever he looks at couples walking along the Seine, drinking wine and going on cute dates- he craves it.

He wants to feel loved, wants to love someone.

The latter? He's already accomplished that.

The problem lies with the first issue.

Taking in a deep sigh, he clutches the coffee cup closer to himself, opening the door to his shop, the familiar jingle of the windchime making him feel at home.

Glancing across the street, he sees her- the eternal beauty who's captured his heart.

She looks just like she always does- utterly, completely gorgeous- inside and out.

It's ridiculous the way she makes him feel, yet he won't have it any other way.

Taking in a deep breath, he takes his seat behind the counter, waiting for the daily arrival of hundreds of customers.

That's the thing about being a florist in Paris- you're very successful.

Flowers are an integral part of life there, and flower business is booming.

Unknowingly, his eyes keep drifting to the blonde across the street, as she swipes her forehead a bit, taking the needle and continuing her job.

He takes the opportunity to admire her.

She wears her usual outfit- graphic tee, black skinny jeans and black boots- the fashionable kind, with heavy soles and heels.

She's chewing a chewing gum as always, her hair in a ponytail, as her leather jacket hangs on her chair.

She bends down, tattooing her latest customer, revealing the moonlark tattoo near her shoulder on her back.

He snaps out of it, as an old lady enters the shop, and he's occupied.

Once the customer leaves, he curiously looks back, and to his glee, her work is done, as she moves towards her table.

He watches her open her drawer, an awed smile settling on her face as she takes out the rose he had put for her there, smiling at the little card he attached, saying, "For you"

She looks around a bit, trying to see who might have sent her the rose, and he busies himself, pretending to be working on the inventory for his shop.

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