Chapter 12: Coming Home?

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"What the Hell?? how are you here" i yell at Klaus "Calm down love no need to be angry" he says softly "you tried to KILL me and your telling me not to be angry are you serious?" i yell even louder Klaus grabs my hand "OK look i don't have much time here we need to get you guys out of here Bonnie is doing a spell to get Damon out" Klaus says getting frustrated. "Wait a minute Damon what about me??" "Ohhh yeah about that....." Damon interrupts "Elena and everyone else knows that you killed you parents" Klaus says slowly. My eyes burst open i look at him in shock i was so angry at my parents that they choose Elena over me i was furious. I look at the ground and run in vampire speed to thee Mystic Falls bridge where it happened i look over the edge remembering my parents car sinking to the bottom of the ocean. A tear fell from my eye i was so stupid to do that but Stefan saved Elena's life......STEFAN. Before i new it i ran back to the house and go inside "Wait does Stefan know i killed my parents" i ask nervously he nods slowly i start crying all my emotions where going all over the place. "look we don't have time for this" Klaus yells angrily we need to get you guys bac..... he disappears "LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE CANDICE THAT WAS OUR CHANCE OF GETTING OUT OF HERE AND YOU HAD TO HAVE A MINI MELT DOWN PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER" he screams at me i see in his face that he immediately regrets saying that "Candice i am sor....." but it was to late i run upstairs and into Stefan's room  i fell on his bed crying.

6 months later 

We have been here for so long its lucky we have each other or i think we would of gone insane. "Candice" Damon yells from downstairs i run in human speed down the stairs i smile at Damon as i see his face he smiles back. We have gotten so close i know everything about him he is a great guy just sometimes his anger gets the better of him "So whats for breakfast?" i ask curiously even know i know what he is going to say "pancakes" he says sarcastically i frown " We need to find a way out of here" i say determined "we have been trying for the past who knows how long" Damon said sadly I grab his hand and pull him outside "see that" i said pointing towards the Luna eclipse "we have been repeating the same day ever since we came here i think that has something to do with it. Right he says thinking i am a idiot and walks back inside and continues cooking his pancakes I go into the library at the Salvatore house and grab a book with all these witch spells. I sprint out into the forest far away from the house  for a while i have been able to do things witches do like lighting candles on fire with my find and i think i could be a witch. It cant be possible though no vampires can be both witch and vampire but i think i might be i haven't told Damon just because he will think i am crazy but i probably am. I have been looking though every single spell book trying to find a spell that can get us out of here this is one of the last books i flick through the pages until i find something that catches my eye it looks like a charm or something when i woke up when we first came here i found the exact same thing in my jeans pocket. I was reading through the spell and i am pretty sure this is our key out of here. It says that it channels the power from a special event like the Luna eclipse this spell works in two sections first i have to activate it and then we have to use it at exactly the right time during the Luna eclipse. I start working on the first part of until i hear someone coming "Candice??" Damon says i can see him from a distance and he runs towards me "what are you doing with that witch stuff" Damon asks curiously "OK so you might not believe me but i think i might be a witch....... and i think i know a way out of here" I was waiting for a laugh or him to yell at me but he just looks at me and smiles out of no where he picks me up and spins me around we are inches away from kissing he leans in a kisses me i knew it was wrong but it feels so right. It lasted for at least a minute until he backed away "I am so sorry" he says to me with his perfect blue eyes staring at me I blush furiously trying not for him to notice "Its OK you have a girlfriend we wont talk about it again" i say and with that i walk back to the tree i was leaning against and worked on the spell i new that Damon didn't want me to say those words to him i know he feels something for me but he is with Elena and i am not going to be the one who stuffs that up.

Hey Guys another part is up WOOHOO OK so basically thank you so fricken much for 370 something views that makes me so happy. So this is my first chapter i have ever written on the computer for this series and i think its is much easier but the thing is i like writing things on my phone and i usually do it when i am on the bus coming home from school but it is the weekend and i am so happy yay uhhh so that's it thank you all for reading and i will see you guys later bye Xxxx

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