Chapter 24 : The Beginning Of The End

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Damon and I sprint down the stairs and turn the corner. "Please don't hurt her!" I scream as I see Klaus holding a knife to Elena. "If you hurt her I will rip your head off myself" Damon yells at Klaus. I turn my head at Damon and see the anger in his eyes. "Look no one has to get hurt as long as I get to take Elena and Candice back to New Orleans" Klaus says smiling at Damon "No chance" Stefan yells coming from behind me and Damon. "Well then" I guess i have to kill her Klaus says slowly cutting Elena's throat "WAIT we will come" I yell stepping forward. "Great! I will be in the car with Elena" Klaus says and zooms of with Elena "Candice why don't you just use your magic!" Damon yells in anger "Don't you get it.. This will never stop the pain the torture everything Klaus has done it has to be for something! I am going and I will find out what Klaus is doing ... Don't worry I will look after Elena" I say walking off towards the black car. I hop in the car to see Elena unconscious next to me "Sorry Candice just a precaution" I hear Klaus says then it goes black.

I wake up with a screaming Elena next to me. Where trapped in a cell I felt pain rushing through my arms and legs "Candice! Oh my god you're awake.." Elena screams and hugs me "Can you get us out of here!?" Elena asks rubbing my arm I lift my arm up at the lock... nothing I lift my arm again nothing "Elena how long have we been in here?" I ask looking at Elena "I don't know like a couple of weeks" Elena says looking straight in my eyes "Well, well the Gilbert sisters are awake" I hear a familiar voice walk in front of our cell it was Klaus he kneels down on the ground and looks straight in my eyes "Feel different?" He asks with a smirk "What did you do!" I yell at him trying to get up but fall back I slowly look back at him it took me a minute to realise what he has done to me "Am-am I human...." I whisper looking straight in his eyes "Well aren't you clever" He says looking at me. Right there and then everything went into slow motion I turn to Elena who is looking at me in shock her eyes bloodshot. I turn my head towards Klaus and see 3 figures behind him. It was too blurry to see who, I fall backwards and black out. 

I snap up and I am still in the cell but Elena is not with me. I hear distant screaming in the background I stand up and look around I look up my arms and see bruises and cuts all over my arms. I hear sounds of heels walking towards my cell I focus on the noise trying to figure out who it is.... nothing. Until she stood right in front of me "Re-Rebekah??" I ask looking at her in shock "Hi Candy" She says smiling at me "Am I dead is this a dream" I ask looking around the room she shakes her head and walks to my cell door she opens it and puts her hand out in front of me. I grab her hand and she pulls me up and hugs me "I missed you" She says looking at me I had so many questions and I didn't even know what to ask so I said "What the hell is going on?!" I yell she looks down at her feet "Come with me" She says pulling me out of the cell and closing it behind her. Rebekah and I walk to the garden at the front of the house and sit down on a bench "Rebekah can you please tell me what the hell is going on!" I ask placing my head in my hands "Ok so... I have another sister named Frayah and she's a witch a very strong powerful witch. She found a way for me to come back from the dead and  here I am..... But she is also the reason you're not supernatural anymore.. Klaus needs you and Elena both to be human because of the prophecy... There is only meant to be one doppelgänger every century and before you and Elena it was Katherine she died a few hundred years ago but she was  Damon's and Stefan's first loves" Rebekah says looking at me straight in the eyes "Well that explains why Damon and Stevan had an instant connection with Elena and I" I say shaking my head "And never once before there has their been two doppelgängers been born in the same century It's not meant to happen. Ever since you returned back to Mystic falls.. Back to Elena everything has been out of place with the supernatural. People are coming back to life when they should be dead, unordinary things happen when you are both together and you became unstoppable nothing could kill you.... basically it's not meant to happen and everything has been thrown of balance.  The witches sense something big coming to the supernatural.... unless you or Elena sacrifice yourself and thats why Klaus has taken both of you.. He is planning on sacrificing Elena to stop this curse.. Or whatever it is but he needs both of you to be human he needs pure souls... Frayah will be leading the sacrifices by the end of the week... I am so sorry Candice" Rebekah says placing her hand on my knee. "Wheres Elena" I ask standing up looking back at the house. Rebekah stands up and turns me towards her.  "Candice.... Don't try anything stupid I know you don't want to lose her but its for the future of the supernatural beings" She looked at me and shook me gently "I know but why does it have to be her......."

Thanks for reading 
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Byeee Xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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