Chapter 22: Another friend lost.. /IM BACK

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I curl up in a ball my head on my knees rocking back and forth crying everyone just stands around me "what the hell happened to ELENA" I scream while standing up all my makeup was down my face "Kye joined Elena and...." Stefan gets interrupted by Damon "you tell her she will kill her" he whispers  forgetting that I can hear everything I am vampire after all "who is she joined too!!" I scream "look I am going to find out anyway so you might as well tell me" I continue Damon sighs "I'll tell her" Bonnie says confidently "Kye joined Elena to me if I die she wakes up and if we find any form of loophole to get out of it we both die so at the moment Elena is in deep sleep" Bonnie says terrified everyone in the room stands in front of Bonnie ready to fight me or something. I look at them all and turn around and walk outside the house I can't believe this who in their right mind would do this!! I cross my arms and lean back on the side of the house I hear footsteps beside me "What do you want Caroline" I ask annoyed "look I know I have done some terrible stuff in the past you have too and frankly I don't know how the hell you are alive but what I do know is Stefan and me are together now and if you do anything to sabotage our relationship I will kill you" Caroline says extremely intimidating "don't worry he's all yours" I respond why would I want to be with Stefan. Caroline nods and walks back inside I slowly follow "it's time to say goodbye..." Damon says sadly. Bonnie and Caroline grab her hands and say goodbye then Alaric then Matt then Tyler and then Stefan Damon glares at me to go I walk towards Elena and grab her hand....

I am standing outside Elena's old house I walk inside the house it was completely quiet "Hello" I walk upstairs to see Elena's door cracked open  I walk through the door to see Elena facing towards the window looking out in the distance "Elena?"  I whispered walking closer "wsrfdfhx-fehj" Elena says something in jibresh "Elena" I whisper touching her shoulder She jumps up she turns looking at me her eyes were red looking right in my eyes "YOU'RE GOING TO GET THEM ALL KILLED- YOUR GOING TO GET THEM ALL KILLED.". Elena yells walking closer and closer to me she grabs my neck and starts strangling me.

Back to reality...
I back away from her and start hyperventilating "whoa whoa" what happened Damon yelled "she- she was possessed her eyes were red and she was saying I was going to get everyone killed...." Damon gets up and looks at Stefan "Something is not right! I am not meant to be alive and somehow I am!?!" I scream "what exactly happened Candice" Stefan asks "I woke up in Klaus's room my hair was short and he told me he got a witch to get me back and told me to live my life"  I explain really quickly "why the hell is your hair short did he need it for something" Bonnie interrupts Damon grabs the coffin and Stefan grabs the other end "Candice come with us" Damon demands I follow them through the woods we make it to a little catacomb that says Salvatore at the top we all walk in "You need to make sure no one opens this she has the cure in her and some vampires want to become human again.. OK now let's face it you're not meant to be here Klaus must have done a deal with the devil because there is no way he would go through all this trouble to awake you and not getting anything back from it." Damon says looking at Elena "so what are we going to do?" I asked concerned "we? Sorry to burst your bubble Candice but we have much bigger issues than that.." Damon says sternly  "like what"  I yell angrily " Our mothers back from the other side" Stefan says jumping back into the conversation  "so... If you don't want her here kill her" I say not caring they both shoot their heads at me "We tried but now she brought back her friends " Damon says "OK now you have lost me" I say confused "WHEN OUR MOTHER WAS IN THE OTHER SIDE SHE WASN'T ALONE SHE HAD COMPANY 5 VAMPIRES WHO ARE WITCHES EXACTLY LIKE YOU NOW THEY'RE ALL HERE AND WE NEED TO MAKE SURE THEY DIE" Damon yells losing his temper "that's not good " I say concerned "OK look how about I will go to New Orleans to sort out this Klaus situation and you guys do what you need to do here " I say crossing my arms "I don't want you to go alone go with Bonnie" Stefan says concerned "Woah woah woah she is not coming with me she hates me" I say refusing to accept "Exactly you too can bond and grow some form Of friendship and take Roxy with you it's too dangerous for her to be here" Damon says "fine!" I say throwing my arms up "great would I be able to have a little privacy to say goodbye"  Damon says touching Elena's coffin "be careful Candice" Stefan says touching my shoulder he zooms of.

 I start walking out of the catacomb I turn around to see Damon crying while touching Elena's coffin I zoom back home I entered the house it was dead silent  "Hello Bonnie?" I yell slowly closing the door behind me. I listen closely and here someone sniffing I walk towards the sound it was near the cupboard I slowly open the door to see Roxy in the cupboard on the ground crying and sniffing I pick her up and the crying stops "where's your mummy" I whisper in her ear I carry her with one arm I look around the kitchen to see a blood trail leading down to the dungeon I walked slowly down towards one of the rooms some girls back was facing me she was drinking... BONNIE I slowly walked towards her and snapped her neck I bite my wrist and shove my wrist in Bonnie's mouth she drank from my wrist and breathed in heavily she sits up "are you OK" I ask concerned "yeah thank you..." Bonnie replies I hand Roxy over to her "who is this I ask standing up over her "I don't know" she says kissing Roxy's head I grab some vervain ropes and tie her up to a chair I put some rope in her mouth so he doesn't say anything.  I grab a knife and hold it to her throat, the mysterious woman slowly flutters her eyes open "Who the hell are you" I yell cutting her throat ever so slightly. Her eyes widen and she tries to get out of the ropes. I tug on the rope that I shoved in her throat it falls out of her mouth on to the ground she looks at me and she tries a spell on me I laugh and push my hand through my hair "Sorry babe I am exactly  like you" I look to my left and see Damon standing right next to me and Bonnie holding Roxy stands on the other side. The girl in front of us opens her eyes wide "Sorry about this" before any of us could say anything we hear footsteps behind us Damon and Stefan's mum and four other people. "Sorry but we can't have that baby alive" She says and with that a massive pain hits my body. I get thrown out of the house like a rag doll the whole house blows up and it goes up in flames. I slowly flutter my eyes open and turn my head I see a dead lifeless Damon next to me. I get up and use my magic to bring Damon back he shoots up and looks at me "Thank you... Oh my god BONNIE" We both run toward what's left of the house and see his mums and the other 5 peoples heads blown up "What the hell did they do?" Damon runs towards a pile of rubble and spot Bonnies body in pieces it was one of the horrific things I have ever seen and next to her was her baby... gone dead just a beaten up as she was. Damon fell to the ground and started crying I have never seen him like this.   I grab my shattered phone and call Stefan "You need to get back here now Bonnie and Roxy are dead" I hung up and in a second Stefan and Caroline were next to us Caroline cried and cried. "What is going on" I heard behind us all It was Elena "CANDICE!" She screams in excitement she looks behind me and sees Bonnie. She runs down and kneels down to what's left of Bonnie and Roxy and stares in shock "WHAT HAPPENED" Stefan yells "Our mother and those stupid witch/vampires happened!" Damon says crying. Everyone was a mess everyone was crying and I just stood there in shock. 

Hey guys.... 
Ok i feel super bad that I said I was going to come back and I never did.. It has been a year since I posted the last chapter...  I don't even know if people still read this or what but I am going to finish this STORY!! I feel like i need too.  30 will be the last chapter of Candice's story and the end of this book. Ummm so if anyone still reads this hahah thank you x and also THE STORY OF CANDICE GILBERT HIT 7k WTAF thats insane thank you xx I literally logged into this account this afternoon and I realized i need to finish this book!!
(ALSO BTW HALF THIS CHAPTER WAS WRITTEN LIKE LAST YEAR AND THE OTHER HALF WAS WRITTEN NOW SO IF THINGS ARE BIT DIFFERENT THATS WHY) I am going to post 7 more chapters and that will be it. Once again thank you for reading byeee Xxxx

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