Marry Me {Damian Priest}

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Anna had noticed something weird going on with her boyfriend of 4 years. They had met in Ring Of Honor and did mostly everything together. Anna was there when her boyfriend had won the NXT North American Championship. Even then he was nervous before that match. But Anna had never seen him act this weird or nervous in their 4 years together. Her boyfriend was none other than the Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest.

Anna had tried to talk to him about whatever was bothering him with no such luck so just decided to drop it. She knew better than to push it when it came to Damian. She also knew that whatever was bothering him that he would tell her sooner rather than later. She had a feeling from the very beginning that they were meant to be and that whatever was bothering him was just another obstacle in the road.

When they were backstage at Raw, Damian was getting ready as Anna was on her phone. There was a knock on the door to only reveal Bad Bunny. Anna had enjoyed Bad Bunny's company and it seemed as if Damian had as well. Damian had seemed more himself when Bad Bunny was around than when Bad Bunny was around. It was nice to see Damian making friends where Anna was still hanging out with Shayna who she met at a show on the Indies and hadn't left each other's side since.

"Hey, Anna. Is Damian still acting weird?" Shayna had asked.

Anna had found her way to catering where she found Shayna. She hadn't realized that she had left Damian's locker room. But it was a good thing that she did. She could talk to her best friend without fear of being judged or snapped at because she asked the wrong questions to piss off her boyfriend.

"Yea he's still acting weird. Just don't know what to do. It just seems like he doesn't want me around anymore." Anna replied.

It was hard that's for sure. Anna hadn't noticed the smile on Shayna's face. Even though deep down Shayna hated lying to Anna, it was tonight that it was all going to be worth it. Anna was getting ready to leave catering when Shayna grabbed Annas arm and lead her towards the gorilla where Damian was waiting for her. Damian had kissed Anna on the forehead before going out for his match against Angel Garza.

Anna hadn't taken her eye off the television as Damian hit his finisher and won the match. She hadn't expected Damian to grab a mic after the match when it was usually the time when a majority of the locker room would run down to the ring and try to pin Bad Bunny for the 24/7 championship.

"I know I owe you an explanation Anna. I want to give you that explanation. Can you come down to the ring?" Damian asked.

Anna was shocked. They had agreed that they wouldn't let anyone into their personal lives. Not the fans at least. She went down to the ring as Damian grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

"We met 5 years ago and that was the best day of my life. A year after meeting you said yes to being my girlfriend and it's been a crazy ride. The reason I have been acting so weird and distant is that I wanted to keep it a surprise but you catch on to everything pretty quickly. I knew that I couldn't keep this from you for long. I love you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me?" Damian asked.

Anna was not expecting a proposal that was for sure but she knew that Damian was it for her. She shook her head yes as Damian slipped the ring on her finger. Damian kissed her as she hugged him. As soon as they got backstage, Shayna hugged her best friend and called maid of honor which made Anna laugh.

"I'm sorry I doubted you." Anna mumbled as soon as they got back to the locker room.

"No. It's fine. I wanted to do it at Mania but don't think we could have waited that long mami. I'm sorry for giving you a reason to doubt me." Damian stated.

Anna had kissed Damian before smiling at him knowing that this was her forever.

*Sorry if this sucked! Feedback appreciated and can do requests!*

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