The Break Up [Santana Part 1]

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To say that you were excited was an understatement. You had a meeting with Tony about a possible singles run now that the inner circle was over. You were on your way to tell your boyfriend, Santana, the great news till you overheard him talking to Ortiz about something.

"I don't know what to do. I love Izabella but at the same time she can be clingy, annoying and a pain in the ass. And all in the worst way." Santana spoke.

"Talk to her man. She will understand. Especially if you are serious about spending forever with her." Ortiz spoke.

"Wish it was just that simple." Santana spoke.

You had this genius idea. That way you can still get your single run and make sure that Santana gets pay back. You went to Tony and noticed that Jericho was there as well.

"I want in his stupid new group. But also still want try this whole single thing both professionally and personally." Izabella spoke mumbling the last part.

Both Tony and Jericho both didn't see a problem with it. Better yet you were going to be introduced as a new member of the Jericho Appreciation society tonight. Surprising everyone. Including you're soon to be ex boyfriend who had joined forces with the BCC.

You were waiting backstage listening to them throw insults back and forth. You perked up when Santana grabbed the mic. You wanted to hear what he was going to say but at the same time you were ready to break his heart on national television.

"You see Jericho. We got tired of being your little bitch. Always bringing us down. We'd probably be challenging for the tag titles if it wasn't for you. But if we have to be enemies in order for us to get what we want then that's how it has to be." Santana spoke.

"I never brought you down. You did that yourself. But as for the new member that we were promising. I think you might know her. Well more like... knew her." Jericho stated.

Your theme hit as you made your way to the front of the Jericho Appreciation Society standing next to Jericho and Daniel Garcia. The shock on Santana and Ortiz face was priceless. You grabbed the microphone from Jericho as the boos rang threw the arena.

"Oh shut up. You're gonna boo me a lot more here in just a minute." Izabella spoke. "You see Santana, I joined because unlike some people who go talking behind my back, Jericho doesn't think of me as clingy. So good luck trying to replace someone who gave a shit about you other than Ortiz."

"Are you really going to bring up our personal life? Now? We can talk about this back stage mami." Santana stated.

"There is no more us Mike. We are done. Over. And I'm glad to drop the dead weight." Izabella spoke before dropping the mic on the stage.

She was the first one threw the curtain. She had found a wall in the secluded part of the of the arena before sliding down the wall before pulling her knees to her chest. She just lost the best thing that ever happened to her. But she just hoped it was for the best.

Santana on the other hand, was looking all over the arena looking for Izabella. He needed to know that this really wasn't over. He knew he wasn't complete without her. And he had to admit that Ortiz was right. He should have talked to her. He heard whimpering down a secluded part of the arena. He found Izabella crying with her head in her knees.

"Mami. Listen to me." Santana mumbled grabbing her arms.

"I don't want to talk Santana. You made it clear. This was never going to work. God I'm such an idiot." Izabella stated.

"No you're not. Please don't talk about yourself like that. I didn't mean for you to overhear my conversation with Ortiz okay. But out there mami, when you were breaking up with me, it made me realize I love you. You may be a pain in the ass but your my pain in the ass." Santana spoke.

"I still need some time Santana. I think we need time apart. If it's meant to be then we will find a way back to each other." Izabella stated.

To know that this was really over was not what he wanted to hear. He would respect her wishes and hope that one day they would get back together. He helped Izabella up before hugging her and going their separate ways.

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