Feelings {Drew McIntyre}

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Kristina was new to Monday Night Raw. She had worked in other promotions and she always seemed to follow her crush Drew wherever he went in the wrestling world after being released from WWE the first time. It was always nice to see a friendly face but at the same time it had seemed almost stalker like. It seemed like she would get a call not long after he started working for a company and she was up taking the new gig for a company for more money.

Not that Drew minded of course. Seeing Kristina again just brought some sort of comfort that he needed in a way. To remind him of home. Drew knew that he had a crush on Kristina and knew that he would never get the chance to tell her. So working with each other made the perfect sense to him knowing that they would be working together again side by side. He had approached her as she screamed in surprise.

"What the fuck Galloway. Are you trying to give me a heart attack my first day on the job?" Kristina asked trying to catch her breath.

"That's never my intention sweetheart. I enjoy working with you." Drew smiled putting his arm around the girl.

Kristina was wondering what had gotten into him. He wasn't usually the type of guy who would be affectionate in any way shape of form. Especially towards her. Drew had told her on MORE than one occasion that they were just friends. And as much as it hurt to know that he didnt feel the same way, it was for the best that they didnt move on into anything more. Because she liked Drew and she enjoyed having him in her life to the point that she didnt want to ruin it.

"You know the guys here are going to drool over you." Drew stated.

"Well I am single. I think I can mingle." Kristina retorted.

"Over my dead body." Drew hissed.

"Why do you care? You have stated that all we are is friends. Ive pushed my feelings aside because you are the one that just wanted to be friends. If I want to get to know Baron Corbin then I think I should have that right. Not everyone has to go threw you." Kristina whispered yelled.

"I care because I love you. More than just a friend. But if you want to go fuck Corbin then go right on ahead." Drew stated before walking away.

Kristina just stood there stunned over what just happened. She was trying to figure out what just happened. Did Drew just confess that he loved her? Once her mind was out of the gutter she ran after him and found herself outside his locker room. She knocked and waited, hoping that Drew would answer the door.

"Drew. I know that you are in there. We need to talk." Kristina stated.

"About what? You clearly don't feel the same way." Drew spoke.

"Can we please talk. I dont need everyone knowing our business." Kristina spoke threw the door.

Drew opened the door and stepped out of the way to let Kristina in. She walked in and looked at him as he closed the door. When he turned back around thats when she grabbed his neck and pulled him towards her and kissed him. It took a minute for Drew to recognize what was going on. But as soon as he did, he grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. When the kiss was over, Kristina looked at him.

"I totally feel the same way. I've always felt the same way. You were just to stupid to realize." Kristina told him.

"Well its a good thing I'm never planning on letting you go. Not after that kiss." Drew smiled.

Kristina laughed before giving Drew one last kiss before starting off the show. It also might have been a good thing that Vince wanted to put them together because he must have saw from the beginning what they were to stupid to realize. And that was the feelings that they had towards each other.

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