So proud of you (Hangman Page)

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Daisy was looking at the screen as she watched her fiance face Kenny Omega for the AEW world championship. Daisy knew how much that Hangman wanted this. It was all he talked about for months. Even when they were on their break that they had recently came back from. This meant everything to him and it would mean everything to her if he could pull it off.

Daisy watched nervously as she sat on the edge of her seat backstage. She wasnt ready to make her return yet. And wouldnt be for the next year or so. She hadnt told Adam yet but she would when the night was over.

Daisy saw Adam setting up for his finisher, The Buckshot Lariat, and knew that it could go one of two ways. She just hoped that it would be for the better. He hit it and went for the count. When the refs hand came down for the three count she jumped out of her seat. She knew how much he had worked for this moment. And even with the break refocused where it needed it be. Not only on their relationship, but on the AEW world championship.

"Go congratulate your man." Johnny stated.

She didnt need to be told twice. She walked down to the ring before rolling into the ring. She kissed Adam, which is something they didnt do. They were usually very private couple. And honestly think it was one of those nights where it seemed like neither one of them cared if the whole world knew if they were in a relationship or not.

"Im so proud of you babe." Daisy whispered.

"I had to make my fiancée proud." Hangman stated.

"You did more than make me proud." Daisy spoke.

Hangman kissed her forehead as the rest of the Dark Order came out. Daisy took a step back as she saw her fiancé celebrate with his friends. It was what she needed. To know that he won. Hangman took her hand as they walked back to his locker room. It was the time to tell him what she had found out earlier.

"Hey. How do you feel about kids?" Daisy asked.

"I love them. Why?" Adam questioned coming to sit next to his fiancée.

"Im pregnant. It must have been during our break in Toronto. I took a test when we first got here." Daisy stated.

"Youre telling me were going to be parents?" Adam questioned.

"Yea." Daisy spoke.

She saw the smile spread across Hangmans face. It seemed like something that he wanted as much as her. He picked her up and spun her around. Before kissing her lips one more time. This was one of the moments that she glad with just Adam.

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