Second Chance {Cash Wheeler}

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Cash Wheeler. The one man that Savannah never thought that she would see again. But she had to know that it was only a matter of time before she saw him and his tag partner Dax show up. It just seemed like everything that she thought that she wanted to escape from was finding their way back into her life. It didnt matter how much she wanted to avoid the man that she thought was the love of her life. Truth of the matter was that he still had a hold on her weather she liked it out not.

The day that he showed up, she started avoiding him like the plague. It was easy considering that she was in the Inner Circle at the time. Even when both the Inner Circle and the Pinnacle worked together she wanted to make sure that she didnt have to interact with him unless she had to. Which was an easy request with in itself. But it seemed easier said than done. Especially with cracks forming with in the inner circle till one day they just split up.

Cash found her stretching before her match as she rolled her eyes. She still didnt want to talk to him even though they had been working in the same company for the better part of two years. She knew that she couldnt keep avoiding him as much as she thought that she could have. There was just something about it that made it thought that she could do it for the rest of her life. Or at the very least the rest of her contract. She just hoped that he would just keep it walking and not even think about talking about it. It would be in the best interest for the both of the if he just kept walking. But when he didnt, she looked up at him before getting up from her position.

"Is there a reason why your avoiding me?" Cash asked.

"Think we both know that there is no reason why we have to talk. We arent friends and we arent working together on screen. So I think that there is a good reason why we have to talk." Savannah answered.

She knew that she had to get away from him. When she heard her theme go off she felt a sense of relief. She could get away from him without having to deal with him. She knew that she would have to talk to him sooner or later. A lot of things that she was feeling was based on the fact that she couldnt get over the fact of what he did to her. Everyone saw the signs and tried to warn her. But she was too naïve to believe them for herself. She wanted nothing to do with him after catching him cheat on her. Apparently this hadn't been a one time thing. It made her feel stupid that she didn't listen to those who tried to warn her about what was happening with her now ex boyfriend.

She heard her music and thanked Tony silently for getting her out of this situation with Cash. She knew that he would want to talk to her but if she could hold him back for 20 more minutes then it would be okay with her. She just hoped that there was something that wasnt really important. She hit eat defeat on Julia Hart before getting her hand raised in victory.

She made her way back to the back to see that Cash was right where she left him when her music sounded. She rolled her eyes before making her way to the locker room area. She heard the footsteps coming from behind her but knew that it didnt take a genius to know who it was. She knew that she had ignored him long enough and if she had it her way, she would continue to ignore him like there was nothing there. She opened her locker room and let him in before locking the door behind her. She sat on the couch and looked at him.

There was something that was still there and she knew that if she ignored it long enough it would just go away on its on. But it didnt. So here she was looking at the man who had cheated on her wondering if she was the crazy one for still feeling something for this bastard.

"You have every right to be mad at me darlin. Dax has been trying to get me to talk to you since we broke up. But just looking at you I could tell that you needed space." Cash stated.

"And you thought now was a good idea to want to talk about whatever was going on?" Savannah asked.

"Kinda. Thought enough time went by that we could try and talk about it." Cash answered.

"No. You dont get to decide when I am ready to talk to you." Savannah stated.

Savannah looked at Cash and knew that it was something that they needed to talk about. But she knew that she was still feeling hurt over what had happened. When she saw Cash she saw the betrayal. She wasnt ready to deal with it. She knew that she couldnt go to Tony and ask for a release just because Cash worked here. She actually enjoyed looking here so she didnt want to give that up just because of someone who betrayed her. Who made it near impossible to trust another man romantically.

"Look darlin. I know I hurt you and I am sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was scared." Cash spoke.

"Scared of what?" Savannah asked.

Cash looked at the ground before looking up at Savannah. "You realizing I'm not good enough. That I am not worth it. That you will regret being with me."

"I was with you for 4 years jackass. If I didnt think we would make it I would have left in that first year. Definitely in the second. You could have talked to me but instead you chose the easy way out and that was to break my heart." Savannah stated.

Cash took her hands before looking at her. He knew how much that he had hurt her and hated himself for it. It was something that he would never be able to forgive himself for it. It was something that didnt need to happen. They could have still been happy if he had just talked to her.

"Darlin. Do you think you can give us another chance?" Cash asked.

"Ill give you one date. Tonight after the show." Savannah answered.

It didnt take long for them to get back to being the happy couple that they once were. It seemed like they needed to lose their way in order to find their way back. And everyday Cash was happy to have Savannah back in his life.

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