Chris Jericho

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Daughter reader

Having four kids was tough. But somehow Chris and his wife made it work. It was hard when Chris was out of town and something needed his attention at home. Every summer, his second oldest Ellie comes with him on the road. Not because of the fact that he wanted to talk her out of being a wrestler but because he wanted to show her what it was like to be a pro wrestler. And if she was still content with being a wrestler around the time that her 17th birthday rolled around then they would look for a school for her to train at so that way she could start wrestling full time when she was 18.

Ellie had always been the respectful one. Chris knew that Ellie always needed a reason beside "because I said so" when it came to why him and his wife said no. They wanted her to be prepared for the world and understand it better. They wanted her to come with them with their problems instead of being a sneaky kid like her siblings. Even though she kept secrets from her parents. They were the ones who broke the rules to in Ellies mind they had to deal with the consequences.

She pretty much enjoyed loving her siblings getting in trouble and knowing that it was coming. One of these days it was going to be her turn to put what her siblings taught her into action. She may be sweet and innocent but they were the ones that you had to worry about. She may not give her parents any trouble but she knew that she was going to give them hell one day. She just didnt know when.

One day there were flyers all around school about the fair that will be coming to town this weekend. She never really asks for anything herself and knew that this was a way to make sure that she was happy. She was the one that was always in the background. The one that never caused any trouble. But if there was one thing that she was going to do was go to this fair.

"So are you going to go or are you gonna be a good little girl and listen to daddy." Her younger sister questioned with a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm going. They should know that I am the one that they should have worried about all along." Ellie answered.

She was going to still ask because that is that is just the kind of person that she is. She wanted to keep up the façade that she was still their perfect little girl. But they had to know that this day where she was going to act out was going to come. They just didnt know when. She had been the one planning this for awhile and tonight was the night that she was going to be putting it into action if her parents said no.

"Hey dad. Can I ask you something?" Ellie asked walking into the kitchen.

"Sure. Whats up pumpkin?" Chris questioned closing the fridge and sliding her a water.

"I was wondering if I could go to the fair this weekend. Some of my friends are going. Were just going to hang out and ride some rides." Ellie answered.

"No. And thats the final answer. There's no reason." Chris stated.

And that was exactly what she wanted. She told her friends that she was going to be there regardless of what her father said. She knew that there was going to be a real reason why that her father said no. But if he wasnt going to give her that reason then why should she stay here.

When Saturday night came she wanted to make sure that everything went smoothly. That she was still acting like everything was fine. She went up to her room shortly after dinner and opened up her window. She climbed down the side of the house and got into her friends car. She knew that this was something that she going to enjoy. She was going to have the best time that she hadn't have in a long time.

The sun was starting to go down when Chris went up to Ellies room to tell her the reason why he had said no when she asked earlier in the week. There was a part of him that didnt want to have his little girl grow up. But he knew that he was going to have to sooner or later. They had always had a good relationship and he wanted to continue it. But when he opened the door he was shocked to see that she wasnt there. If she wasnt in her room that mean there was only one place of where she could be.

Chris went downstairs and grabbed his jacket and keys. He didnt tell anyone where he was going but knew that there was a chance that the younger girls knew that this was going to happen. He got into his truck and go to the fair to pick her up. They were going to have a talk about this weather she liked it or not.

Ellie was having the time of her life when her best friend nudged her and pointed over to the parking lot. Ellie saw that her dads car coming up and knew that this wasnt going to be the best conversation. Ellie knew that she was going to get caught red handed but she was hoping that she would be able to get in and out without anyone knowing. She hugs her friends before jogging over to the car and getting in.

"I'm disappointed in you. We were going to go tomorrow. I wanted to surprise you Ellie. You were always the good one." Chris stated.

"I just wanted to hangout with my friends. I never ask for anything for myself. This was the one thing that I wanted." Ellie spoke.

Ellie looked out the window as they drove back to the house. Ellie heard her father lecture her about this. She knew that she messed up but she wouldnt change that it for the world. She knew the risk and she enjoyed the rush that she got. She honestly thought that she might do it again.

"Youre grounded. I hope you know that." Chris stated.

"Yep. If you are worried about a guy dont worry they are scared of you. And I'm currently not into them. So everyone wins." Ellie stated.

Chris smiled knowing that he is probably overreacting but is happy to know that she is safe and didnt get murdered. He was happy that she was fine and will be for the foreseeable future. When he looked at her he saw the little girl that she was. But now he is looking at someone who could make her own decisions and still needed some guidance. And he was there to help her just trying to let both hands go so she could do her own thing and be who she needed to be. And he was ready to find out who this person that Ellie would become.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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