Finding My Way Back To You {Shane McMahon}

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To say that you wish it didn't happen was an understatement. You found yourself in the trainers room for an injury that you had sustained during the match. You're head wasn't in it which caused you to miss the Swanton that you do at the end. It also didn't help that you were the other woman to a man that was already married who wanted to end it right before your match.

Shane knew that he had to end things with Madison. He had a wife at home who he loved. But if he was willing to cheat on her for the better part of a year did he really love her like he thought he did. So when he saw that Madison got hurt it took almost everything in him to not to run down there and see if she was ok. It was more than likely his fault that she miscalculated. And he knew how much she trusted Alexa in the ring to make sure that the match went smoothly.

As soon as Madison got done with the doc and the trainers she opened the door to see Shane leaning up against the wall. She rolled her eyes and started making her way to the womens locker room so she can grab her bags and have the few weeks off that the doc recommended. Not that she was complaining. The further away from Shane she could be right now the better. It would definitely help with the heartbreak that she was currently suffering from. She wasn't asking him to choose between her or his wife but that didn't make the eventual pain that she knew that she was going to feel any less real. Considering that this was man that she fell in love with over the last year.

"Mads. Wait." Shane yelled out.

She stopped before turning back around to face him. "I think you have done enough damage. I think it's for the best if we don't talk to each other unless we have to. I will see you in a few weeks. Boss."

And that was the last conversation that they had with each other. Neither one of them wanted to talk to each other let alone look at each other. They really only talked if they had something to do with Smackdown. Every time Shane wanted to talk to Madison once the cameras were off, she was already walking away from him to meet up with Natalya or was already gone back to the hotel that they were staying at. It was really starting to affect not only Shane but his relationship with his wife. So when she filed for divorce it came to him as a shock.

"I know Shane. I know that you don't love me anymore. You've been acting different when you are home. Stephanie also stated that there might have been something going on with you and a female superstar. I am not mad that you cheated but I am disappointed that you didn't tell me so we can go threw with this sooner." Jenna stated.

"You have nothing to worry about. There is nothing going on." Shane spoke.

"Maybe not now. But there was. I want you to be happy. And if it is not with me then let me go. If we were meant to be then we can always get remarried." Jenna stated.

Shane knew that she was right. So he sighed the papers and was happy to know that his marriage was ending on good terms. In that moment, Shane realized that he did still love his now ex-wife but he knew that he needed to see if there was anything that he can save from his relationship with Madison. And that was hoping that she would talk to him.

Madison was trying her best to get over Shane. But it was easier said than done. She didn't want to get fired from a job that she loved. So she was standing firm by what she said before her break. She only talked to him when it was necessary other than that she tried to avoid him like the plague. Because she knew that if she gave him the time of day she would be falling back in bed with him. And that was the last thing that she needed right now. And having a no strings attached relationship was what she was looking for. It just so happened that Dolph was also looking for one as well. They had become great friends threw this process.

"You know you are going to have to talk to him sometime. As good as the sex is, I know that youre doing it to avoid Shane." Dolph stated.

"I am perfectly fine not talking to him. He wanted to end it and go back to his wife. I've got to live with it and find a way to move on. And besides I am pretty sure the damage is done." Madison spoke.

"I heard from Nattie who heard from Stephanie that he's in the process of getting divorced. And you know how Stephanie pretty much hears and sees everything. Just know if you aren't going to talk to him, I will find a way to make sure you talk to him." Dolph stated before walking off to get ready.

Madison sighed knowing that he was right. She grabbed her water and went to find Shane. It was almost like he was waiting for her because he opened the door and lead her into his office. She didn't know where to start but she knew that she had to do this even though it might hurt them both in the end.

"Is it true? You're getting divorced?" Madison asked.

"Yea. She knew I didn't love her anymore. Steph told her briefly about us. But overall it was a mistake to let you go." Shane answered.

"To be honest, I'm glad you did. I wouldn't have gotten a great friend in Dolph out of it. It was actually his idea to come and talk to you." Madison spoke.

"So you and Dolph are a -" Shane started to ask.

"If you're wondering if we're dating. The answer is no. I can't speak on his behalf but I think we both knew what we wanted at the start. I don't think it would have evolved passed a friendship anyways." Madison answered.

Shane stepped forward and placed his pointer finger under Madison's chin to have her look at him. There was a part of her that was still in love with him and knowing that staying away from him was only making it harder. But staying away made it out to be the best thing for them. He kissed her on the lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck and felt his hands snake around her waist pulling her closer. It was at that moment that they both realized that this was right where they needed to be. In each other's lives and arms.

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