Ive gotta lose you to love me {Wardlow Part 1}

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To say that Wardlow was your best friend was an understatement. Everyone knew that you were both attached to the hip from the moment you both woke up to the time you both went to sleep. It was hard for anyone to believe that they were just friends. It seems like everyone knew that both Wardlow and Sarah liked each other. More than friends.

Sarah was sitting in catering with Julia and Anna who were two of her best friends on the women roster. They practically did everything together when they weren't with they're respected men. Sarah was drinking a coffee and picking at a muffin as the two women chatted.

"Okay. What's up girl? You're usually chatty mainly talking about the plans you and Wardog got back in Ohio." Anna spoke.

"We don't have plans. Better yet we really haven't talked since last week. I get he's in his head about this whole MJF storyline but if he's gonna keep acting like this I might be moving to Florida. That way we only see each other at work. Jay offered me to stay at his place till I find an apartment." Sarah stated.

"You and Wardlow are meant for each other. We all see it. The only people who don't see it are you and Wardlow." Julia spoke.

"It's whatever. I know everyone is aware of the fact that I like him. I really haven't kept it secret. But I'm not risking our friendship, or what is left of it anyways telling him how I feel." Sarah replied.

She knew that things were rough and she was willing to put everything aside to make sure that Michael was happy. And if it wasn't with her then she needed to know. She stood up and made her way to his locker room before knocking on the door. What was surprising was the fact that a blonde woman answered the door.

"Who are you and what are you doing at my boyfriends locker room?" The woman seethed.

"Oh I just needed to tell Wardlow that Tony was looking for him. So if you can just let him know that would be great. Anyways I'll leave." Sarah spoke.

Before walking away, Wardlow came to the door and saw that Sarah was at the door. "Hey Sarah. What's up."

"Ask your girlfriend. I'll see you next week. And I'll be by tomorrow to get any of my stuff that's still at your place." Sarah answered.

Sarah walked away with tears in her eyes as she wanted to get away from the man who she thought was her best friend. Sarah thought that at the very least he would tell her if she was seeing anyone. But how wrong they both were. She knew ditching wasn't the best thing to do but Tony seemed okay with her leaving after her match was over. Considering that Wardlow was in the segment after her, it was the perfect time to step out without much notice from anyone.

Wardlow was confused by what had happened earlier with Sarah. All he got from Kate was really nothing but he did see an evil smirk on her face. Like she had done something. Kate had been a fling that he was trying to get rid of. He was only sleeping with her to get over his crush on Sarah.

"I am so glad that the bitch left. Interrupting our time together." Kate spoke.

"Excuse me?" Michael asked. "That bitch is my best friend. You know damn well that this isn't going anywhere. You stuck around while I'm trying to get you out of my life. Now you might have just pushed my best friend, the woman I love, out of my life."

"Not like you need her anyways. You heard her. She's getting her stuff. Think she already made up her mind." Kate spoke.

Wardlow had to talk to Sarah. But first he had to get rid of Kate. "I want you gone by the time I get back. I have no problem using security to escort you out. Because this is over."

Wardlow left as soon as Sarah's match against Britt was ending. He was just hoping that Sarah would still be here when he got done with his promo for his storyline against MJF. Things were starting to get stained between them and he knew that he had to do something or else he was going to lose the one person in his life that he truly cared about. So when his promo finally came to an end he made a beeline for the Womens locker room just to see Anna standing outside almost like she was waiting for him in particular.

"I hope you're happy with yourself. Sarah left trying not to cry. Britt took her back and is going to stay with her. Julia and I are both needed for the Rampage taping." Anna spoke.

"I need to talk to her Anna. You and everyone knows how I feel about her. I would think its pretty obvious that I have feelings for her." Michael stated.

"Don't think she wants to talk to you. Especially after you broke her heart. So go back to your whore and us girls will mend her broken heart." Anna spoke before going back into the womens locker room.

Wardlow knew where she was staying. And what room. He went back to his locker room and grabbed his stuff before seeing that Kate was still there.

"Where we going babe?" Kate asked.

"With you nowhere. Pretty sure there's someone else who's interested with having you be their obsessed bitch. Cause it's not me. And I told you that this was over." Wardlow answered before leaving her behind.

Sarah was sitting on her bed watching a movie that was almost over. Britt had to leave because her and Adam had something planned for after the Rampage taping. There was a knock on the door which made Sarah groan before getting up and seeing Michael at her door. She rolled her eyes and tried to close the door as Michael stopped it.

"Leave me alone. Please. I've already been humiliated enough for one night. I don't need you too humiliate me anymore." Sarah spoke.

"You really think I would do that? Embarrassing you? Not tell you I had a girlfriend? You should know me better than that. I might not tell you about a hook up but a girlfriend I would tell you." Michael stated.

Sarah rolled her eyes before looking at him. She knew she loved him and that this was her best friend. Was she really willing to risk it for the sake of her own sanity? Maybe.

"Well maybe that's because we've started to drift apart. And who you date is none of my business. Because I've got to lose the guy I love in order to love myself. So goodbye Michael." Sarah spoke softly before closing the door. Ignoring the knocks that came from the other side.

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