Its always been you {Wardlow part 2}

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It had been a good 3 months of Sarah and Wardlow ignoring each other. And everyone noticed how they weren't talking to each other. Every time that either Anna or Julia brought up Wardlow, Sarah would change the subject because it had become a sensitive subject for her. At least for the first month. Wardlow became a subject that they would just not talk about. Sarah was starting to love herself as the months went on.

As the 4th month began, Wardlow was getting pissed and started using it in his storylines that Sarah didn't see. His fling wasn't bothering him anymore but that didn't mean that he still wasn't having hook ups in the towns that AEW went too.

Wardlow saw Sarah smiling at something that Austin Gunn was talking about that Wednesday following Double Or Nothing where he had squashed MJF. But if he knew Sarah as much as he thought he did, he knew that the smile wasnt reaching her eyes. But it was enough for someone to think that everything was okay when it wasnt. So when Austin kissed Sarahs cheek and walked away, Wardlow thought it would be a good idea to try and talk to her.

"So why does Austin get to see that smile but not me?" Wardlow asked.

"Because I am trying to move on Michael. It's been 4 months and I still find myself wanting to talk to you. Then I have to remember that I was the one who ended it. I chose to walk away. I chose to be miserable. Me. So if Austin gets to see me smile even if it's fake then so be it." Sarah answered.

"So that's it. You're actually giving up on us before there is an us." Michael spoke.

"There was never going to be an us Michael. I got that reality 4 months ago. Now if you excuse me I have a job to do. You know one that has absolutely nothing to do with you." Sarah stated.

Michael watched Sarah walk away knowing there has to be a way for her to talk to him. Now that he was in this rivalry with Punk for the AEW World Championship, he knew that there was a way for them to be involved. So he went to Punk with an idea.

"So you want me to help you get the girl?" Punk asked.

"It's not the best plan. But if it just helps getting her to talk to me again then it will be worth it." Michael answered.

Punk knew that he shouldn't get involved in this. But he saw how much Michael was struggling with it and wanted to help in anyway possible. If that means getting her involved in their storyline then so be it.

There was something there and it seemed like the only person who didn't want to give it a shot was Sarah. Granted, she didn't want to give it a shot because of what she saw but that was something that Michael was willing to help her see that she was the one for him.

Sarah was watching the show backstage with Anna Jay and a recently turned Julia. They both went to Punk and all three of them came up with a plan. But there was something that they wanted. And that was for Michael and Sarah to stop being so miserable.

"Wardlow. You think you can beat me for the world championship? Here's the real question. How can you beat me if you can't even get the girl you've been madly in love with the last 3 years?" Punk asked. "How can you beat the best in the world when you are still in your own head?"

Sarah couldn't take much more of it. She knew that she needed to do something so she grabbed a mic before seeing a smiling Anna Jay and Julia. She rolled her eyes before signaling for her music to go off. She could see the slight smirk on Punks face before seeing the complete shock on Wardlow face. She got into the ring before looking at Michael. Her best friend. Seeing those intense eyes turn soft told her everything that she needed to know. That this man loved her. She turned to Punk.

"He's gonna beat you because his girl is gonna be in his corner. His girl is going to be there just like she's been there the last three years. And when he beats your ass we are going to be celebrating till the early hours of the morning." Sarah stated.

"And if he doesn't beat me? Are you gonna run away?" Punk asked.

"If he doesn't beat you, he will still fuck my brains out. And who knows maybe go to Vegas and get hitched. He doesn't need to beat you in order to prove that he is man enough for me." Sarah spoke bringing down the mic.

Sarah turned to Wardlow and saw the stupid grin that she grew to love. She rolled out of the ring before going backstage. It wasn't long before she saw Michael and hugged him. He picked her up before kissing her giving them both sparks of electricity that both of them were missing. When the kiss broke, Sarah rested her forehead on his before looking into his eyes.

"Austin was helping me make you jealous. So you can make a move. But I think Punk made sure of it." Sarah stated.

"I wanted Punk to help me get the girl. And I think that this also has Anna and Julias finger prints all over it." Wardlow smiled.

"Well they did know it was always you." Sarah spoke before pulling him in for another kiss.

They needed to lose their way to find their way back to each other. If his fling 4 months ago didn't cause them to lose their way, they would still be lying to each other. Sarah knew that it was Wardlow from the beginning. And there wasn't a better place to be than with the man she wanted a future with.

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