Me Or Your Addiction {Jeff Hardy}

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TW:// Mentions of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, slut-shaming

Hannah had met Jeff went they were both started in wrestling. Hannah was friends with Amy who had joined Matt and Jeff.

After being friends with Jeff for a few years, Hannah had noticed that Jeff was a bad alcohol problem. She had tried to get him help but every time she tried Jeff had just pushed her away. Telling her that he didn't have a problem.

One day it just got too much and she asked for her release from WWE. When she was granted her release she decided it would be best to retire from wrestling completely. Not wanting to be in the world that brought her Jeff. Hannah had kept in touch with Amy not telling Jeff where it was that Hannah had gone. Hannah was there when the story broke about Amy and Edges scandal.

When the story broke, Hannah had gotten a call from both Matt and Vince wanting her to return. Amy didn't like it as much because it seemed like Amy was taking sides. But they both knew that no matter what happened Hannah would still be by Amys' side.

"You know I retired from this right?" Hannah asked when she was lacing up her boots. She looked at the brother of her former lover as he stood in front of her.

"Really? I didn't know that you retired. You just kept in touch with that slut that you never bothered to check in with anyone else. So I thought you were still wresting." Matt replied.

"Yea well that slut is still my friend. I might not like what she did to you but I am not going to turn my back on her. To be fair, I think there is a part of her that still loves you and always will but she's not IN LOVE with you like she once was." Hannah stated before leaving the locker room.

There was still a lot she had to deal with and part of that was that she had to know how to handle being part of wrestling when she knew she loved Jeff. She was willing to give all this up again if he knew how to stay sober. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going so when she hit a chest she was surprised. She was even more surprised when she looked up and saw that it was Jeff. She tried to walk around him but that was no use. He grabbed her arm and had her look at him.

"You're back?" Jeff asked.

"To help your brother. Then I'm back into retirement." Hannah replied.

"Retirement? What?" Jeff questioned.

"I don't have to answer you, Jeff. My job understands that this is a one-time thing. I'm happy not to be a wrestler. If it means I don't have to be around you and your poor choices." Hannah stated.

She wanted Jeff but as long as he kept choosing his addiction, Hannah knew that he would never be hers. It was true, she had enjoyed her job as an interior designer. It gave her what she wanted without all the damages. Jeff caught up to her in catering as she looked at him.

"What do you want from me?" Jeff asked.

"Me. Or your addiction. Because you can't have both. I won't sit around waiting for you to get sober and for you to stay sober." Hannah answered.

For 5 years following that incident, Jeff wondered if he could stay sober. It was drugs that made him leave WWE twice in the past 10 years. He couldn't hold down a relationship. He wasn't even allowed to see his child because of his addiction. He knew that things had to change. He started by going to rehab for 90 days. Which was honestly what he needed. And when he got back home he called Hannah.

Hannah: Hello?

Jeff: If you are willing to see me I am ready to prove that I'm dedicated to staying sober.

Hannah: Matt told me you went to rehab. If you mean what you say then yes I will see you.

After hanging up he called Beth and they had made an arrangement that worked for both of them and their daughter. Jeff meant what he said when he wanted to stay sober. He just needed the motivation. And 10 years later, he had managed to stay sober, married Hannah, and have the success that he always wanted.

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