Jon Moxley X OC {Requested}

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This was requested by @Bakinggirl623. Thank you so much for the idea!!

TW:// name-calling, slut shaming

Katy was new to AEW. Her best friend Jon told her about an opening for a new female wrestler. Even though Katy had done the majority of the work herself, it helped that Jon helped nudge the higher-ups in the right direction.

Katy was wandering around the hallway looking for Tony Khan's office. To admit that she was lost was an understatement. She tried to turn the first hallway that she found just to bump into someone.

"Oh lookie who it is. Fresh female meat." The voice spoke.

Katy looked up to know exactly who she had bumped into. The arrogant, loudmouth, good-for-nothing MJF. Katy had watched a lot of AEW since Jon told her about the company in 2019.

"Oh look an arrogant jackass." Katy spat rolling her eyes.
"Feisty. You know the Pinnacle could use a feisty member like you. Help take care of our Wardlow problem." MJF spoke.

Katy could just feel the smirk coming off his face. She rolled her eyes wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

"I am not going to take care of your problems with who you align yourself. And from what I can tell, you deserve the punishment Wardlow is going to give you." Katy stated.

She turned around trying to get away from the jackass as she felt his disgusting hand on her wrist trying to keep her in the conversation that she was so desperate to get away from. She looked at him before she saw Mox from over his shoulder with that look in his eye knowing that it wasn't going to end well for MJF.

"Listen here you little slut. You will listen to me or-" MJF started.
"Or what? I dare you to finish that sentence." Mox interrupted.
"Mox. Buddy. How ya doing." MJF started. Acting like nothing was happening.
"Drop the act. I saw you being a dick as usual towards my best friend. It just so happens I came walking around the corner when I saw you put your hands on her. Talk about using her for your gain with Wardlow. If I were you I'd walk away and not bother this beauty anymore." Mox spoke.

Katy saw how scared MJF had become at the sight of Mox. MJF pushed passed Katy as she smirked at him walking away. Katy turned her attention back to Mox as she grew nervous. She had to admit she had always had a crush on her best friend.

"Thanks. That guy is a dick." Katy spoke.
"No one gets to talk to my best friend and get away with it." Mox stated.
"Friends. Right." Katy mumbled crushed giving him her best fake smile.

Jon helped her find Tony's office before leaning up against the wall. He had to admit seeing Katy again brought up feelings that he thought he put behind him. Hell, he even broke up with Renee because she wasn't Katy. He knew he had to do something before someone else snatched her up leaving him in the friend zone forever.

"Jon hello. Anyone home?" Katy snapped her fingers in front of his face.
"Oh. Did you get everything you needed?" Jon answered.
"Everything except one thing." Katy stated.

She grabbed Jon's shirt and brought him close to her pulling him into a kiss. Jon was surprised at first before kissing her back and pulling her closer to his body. They broke the kiss as their foreheads rested against each other.

"I am never letting you go." Jon told her.
"Well, maybe it's a good thing I asked to be part of the BCC (Blackpool combat club)." Katy spoke.

Jon smiled at Katy before taking her hand and intertwining their fingers. She knew she wanted to be with Jon during her whole run with the company even after the BCC split up. Because she believed in both Jon and herself. That they could be the couple that the audience would want to see.

Her first rivalry was against Tay Conti. And of course, Sammy had to get involved which lead Jon to get involved. She was proven right by being the couple that the audience wanted to see. Both Jon and Katy got more TV time climbing the ranks in their respected division. They, over time, became the power couple of AEW.

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