Being with you again {Will Ospreay # 2}

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This is the second part to Is It Worth It. I would suggest reading that first before reading this part.

To say that Jade was surprised that her boyfriend was going to be in the Trios tournament to crown the first AEW Trios Champions was an understatement. She knew that Will had talked to her to get her thoughts about possibly participating with a few other members of United Empire but she didnt think that nothing would come of it. I mean this is what everyone since the company first started in 2019.

Of course, with the pandemic threw a wrench into plans. Especially Jades return to Japan for tours that she had in 2020. She didnt know when she would be able to return to japan but knew when it was safe then she will be able to start doing tours over there again. Which made things a lot easier when NJPW decided to create an American branch.

So here she was waiting in the airport, waiting for Will and the Aussie Open to show up. She had promised to be their driver knowing the long plain ride from Japan to America. Jade knew that there might be apart of Will that still might not want to talk because of the loss that he suffered due to Okada in the finals of the G1. And also there was no way that she was going to let one of those blokes drive around her boyfriend when there was a chance that he was going to complain the whole way due to the fact that he was probably still beat up from everything that he had done over the last few days.

It had only been roughly 2 months since she last saw her boyfriend and was happy to have him on the same continent even if it was just a week. There was something about seeing Will for the first time since the day after Forbidden Door that made it feel like they could do this long distance relationship.

She saw her boyfriend coming towards her as she smiled. He looked exhausted but his smile in seeing her made this worth it. The reunions will get better and maybe one day having a future together. As Will approached her, Jade opened her arms as Will gave her a hug. It felt nice to hug him in person and see him in person and not over a FaceTime call. Not that she minded because that was how much she enjoyed getting to talk to Will no matter the time.

"I'm so happy that you are here." Jade stated before pulling away to where their foreheads touched and looked into each other's eyes.

"Being with you is the only place that I wanted to be the last few days post G1. Know you could have helped take my mind off the loss." Will stated.

"Well that is what I am here for. And if you dont have any more dates in America then I can definitely help." Jade stated.

Will smiled seeing that he was going to be here for awhile. And if needed he could do the American branch of NJPW to make sure that he gave his girlfriend the proper attention that he knew he was lacking giving her. There was only so much that he could do over FaceTime. Not that he was complaining if it meant getting to see Jades face.

"I love the reunion but can we get out of the airport." Mark Davis stated.

"Yea. And find a Starbucks." Kyle Fletcher spoke.

Jade rolled her eyes before grabbing Wills hand before getting out of the airport. It was one of those times where she was happy to have a car that could help with all the stuff that the three men seemed to have brought from Japan. She helped them get their luggage in the back of the car before going and getting coffee. It was something that was needed to feel just a little bit human. Especially after the long flight that they had just been on.

"So I was thinking that we can just stay in Chicago through All Out on September 4th." Will stated.

"I would like that. We can do things together. Maybe without the other two." Jade spoke up.

"Rude." Kyle stated.

Jade smiled as they pulled into the arena. She had a feeling that this was going to be a long day with the stuff that had been coming out the last few days about some of her coworkers. Truth or not. She helped the others get their stuff before going inside to the United Empire locker room. She might not be an official member but there was only a matter of time before she was offered a spot. Just because of who she was dating.

"Jade. You're not going to be facing Thunder at all out like planned. Rosas injured." Tony told her as soon as she came in.

"So what's the plan? Is there even going to be a womens match on the card?" Jade asked as she felt Wills eyes on her.

"Fatal 4 way. You, Britt, Shida and Jamie. We're setting up a tag team match between the four of you next week on the go home show for all out in Chicago. You'll know the result by Sunday." Tony stated before walking away.

Will kissed the side of her head before going to the locker room. She was still a face even though her boyfriend was a heel. There was something that she wanted to talk about the guys about but didnt know how they would respond. So when they got to the locker room, she sat next to Will as he kissed her lips before smiling at her.

"Join the United Empire. You can represent the team in AEW." Will stated.

"Would love nothing more. Sometime within the next week will be the best time to reveal it. I think that no one will see it coming. But do have to tell TK and the other members in the fatal 4 way. If it is something that we are going to do." Jade stated.

It seemed like everyone was on board with it. And it was something that she didnt know that the other members had even talked about. Since she wasnt really needed till after Britts match, she just wore what she normally wore which was just a United Empire shirt and a pair of skinny jeans and some combat boots. Jade was happy that come All Out everyone would know that she would be joining. And maybe even know that she was with Will. That was something that they needed to talk about but not right now due to it seeming like both parties were okay with a few people knowing that they were even together.

Jade smiled when she saw Will in his gear and knew that it was something that she would never get use to. Seeing her man not only compete live but being able to be with him and waiting for him backstage. These were the things that she could get use to. Will grabbed her hand as they walked to gorilla knowing that she would be right here when he came back. It might not be the same as being out there watching him live but this would work out for the best. For right now.

Will pulled her into a kiss before going out for his match as she watched on the monitor back stage. She noticed that Kenny and the Bucks were sitting next to her but paid them no attention. She knew that they were going to face the winner so of course they were keeping a close eye on it even if it was backstage. There was just something about wondering if they were going to win was something that she wasnt going to worry about. It was weather or not that they could handle the war that was going to be coming the way of the trios match next week.

Once the match was over thats when she noticed that Kenny and the bucks going out towards the ring. Jade had this weird feeling that it wasnt going to end well. And that Kenny might try and get under Wills skin by bringing up the G1 loss to Okada. Which is something that she didnt want to deal with. Because a pissed off Will on top of an already jet legged Will isnt the best kind of Will to deal with. It was after the show as she hear that Kenny was starting to get under the skin of Will. She ran out and looked at Will and the look of wanting to kill Kenny in his eyes. It was going to be a war that she didnt want to witness.

"Oh how sweet. I wonder how Jade is going to react when I beat her little boyfriend next week. Knowing that he couldnt get the job done against Okada." Kenny stated.

Jade looked at Kenny before going up to him. She kicked him in the balls before slapping him across the face. She shouldnt have done it but it was worth it. She wasnt going to let Kenny get under her mans skin and get away with it. It was something that the world was going to know about anyways and knew that this was the perfect time than ever to tell the world what they might have already speculated. She felt Will pull her close as he kissed her in front of the crowd in Cleveland.

"Was it worth it?" Will asked.

"Totally. It's going be even more worth it when you beat him next week and we all walk out of All Out as champions." Jade stated.

And that is exactly what they wanted to do. But after a few days rest first.

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