The Make Up [Santana Part 2]

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Izabella was in the finals of the Owen Heart Tournament. She was using it mainly as an excuse to not have to interact with Santana more than she had to. She was still head over heels in love with the man but she knew she needed to figure out how to be her without being a clingy pain in the ass.

On her way to face Ruby Soho, she noticed Santana and Ortiz standing by a monitor looking at the mens finals. Ortiz noticed her before giving her a slight smile. Their friendship had definitely suffered since the breakup with Santana who just noticed her. He waved at her before waving back before continuing on her way.

"Can't believe you're not fighting for her man. You're an idiot." Eddie spoke walking up finding both men.

"She wanted space. So I'm giving her space. But going to talk to her once our match is over. See where her heads at." Santana spoke.

Both men knew how much Izabella meant to him and hated seeing him in the rut that he had been in ever since Izabella decided to end it publicly. Ortiz was one of the people who wanted his tag partner to talk to her but apparently she had other plans because of the fact that Santana hadnt talked to her. So he talked to her and Tony before the Pay Per View.


Ortiz had found Izabella as she was getting out of her car with her gear. They really hadnt talked or even seen each other since that night and wanted to see if they were still good. Considering what had went down about a month prior.

"What do you want Ortiz? I know you and you want something." Izabella stated continuing to unload the car.

"Who says I want something? Maybe I just want to see how one of my best friends is doing. See if she is doing anything after her match tonight against Ruby?" Ortiz asked.

"What did you do?" Izabella questioned. "Cause you never ask that unless you did something and it somehow involves me."

"I talked to Tony and hes okay with turning you face during our match. That way its just a one time thing and you can go on your singles face run that you were intended to go on. Which dont know why you didnt say anything to anyone." Ortiz stated.

"I was going to tell Santana the night I broke up with him. The night I told him I needed space. The night he talked behind my back about some of my biggest insecurities when it comes to relationships. And you know that. Even he knew that and he still found me clingy and annoying as a girlfriend. So if I do this it is going to be a one time thing. I dont want to be in the middle of this any longer than I need to be. I will do my match as a heel. And I will talk to Santana after the show." Izabella spoke.

It was enough for Ortiz to have faith that Izabella would see that she still loved Santana. He saw it on her face that she did and just hoped they would get back together. Ortiz hated seeing to of his best friends not talking because one had dumped the other. So when they were sitting watching Izabellas match, Ortiz could see the smile on Santanas face. Especially when she hit the 450 and got the pin.

"You miss her don't you?" Eddie asked.

"More than anything. Can't wait to make her mine again man. Never going to take her for granted again." Santana answered.

"Well maybe this time don't use her insecurities against her man. That was the biggest reason she probably dumped you." Ortiz stated.

It seemed like a realization came over Santana as he realized the mistake that he made. He knew how insecure Izabella had become about certain things and the fact that he called her those things made him feel like the biggest dick in the world. So he knew that he needed to talk to her as soon as possible. But at the same time it would have to wait until the end of the show because their match was coming up soon and they had to get ready for possibly the war of a lifetime.

Izabella was watching the rest of the show from the monitor closest to the stage. She knew that she would have to make up her mind soon about what do to. Her and Tony had come up with a sign that would help them indicate if she was even going out there. Izabella knew that she wanted to be face but it would be a longer road to the AEW Womens World Championship and she seemed perfectly okay to her to wait. It would be awhile before the audience even accepted her as a face but they would try it. She made up her mind and gave Tony the thumbs up before hearing her music blast. She ran out with a steel chair making everyone think that she was going to use it on Santana.

"You need to be in the back. I don't need you getting hurt." Santana yelled.

"I need to make things right." Izabella spoke before turning the chair on Jericho.

Everyone seemed stunned except Ortiz at what had just happened. Izabella pulled Santana in for a kiss just for his blood to be on her face. Santana smiled as Izabella super kicked Daniel Garcia who was coming her way. Santana gave Izabella a kiss on the forehead as the match continued. Izabella stayed ringside as the match concluded with the BCC winning (I did change this result from DoN). Izabella wrapped her arms around Santana as he smiled down at her. Finally feeling good about the talk about that was about to happen.

When they got backstage, Izabella dragged Santana to the trainers so he could get checked out before their talk. When she saw him come out she let out a sigh of relief that everything was going to be okay. For right now. She knew that things were going to be hard but they were going to be okay.

"I am sorry. About what you overheard. I'm sorry for calling you some of your biggest insecurities. I didn't mean to mami." Santana spoke.

"I know that now Santana. And I forgive you. I still want you. I want to fight for this." Izabella stated.

"So do I. I want to fight for you. I want you everyday for the rest of my life." Santana mumbled wrapping his arms around Izabella.

It seemed like they did need that month apart because it brought them back together. They seemed happier and stronger together.

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