Billy Gunn part 1

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Daughter reader

Elizabeth is just your normal senior in high school. Even though she wants to be normal and be treated like a normal teenager, it is difficult when your dad is none other than Billy Gunn and your brothers are Colton and Austin. It is a part of herself that she likes to keep hidden from everyone till she gets to know them better.

One day in AP World History, Elizabeth is assigned a project where they had to talk about a war that they had learned about up until this point and present it to the class. Elizabeth got paired up to a guy named Micheal who has nothing but respected her due to the fact that he respects her father and brothers even though he has never had a conversation with Billy.

After they got the project, Elizabeth tells her mother that Micheal will be coming over to work on a project. And she knows the rules of always keeping her door open to make sure that they arent doing anything. But her mother knows that Micheal isnt going to do anything due to the fact that she had met Micheal before and is nothing but respectful not only to Elizabeth but to her as well.

They knew that they should tell Billy what was going on but they both knew that there was a 95% chance that he would come home after the project was done anyways. As much as Lizzy loves being around her father, it seemed like she never had one due to how much he was constantly on the road. Which is why she always ran her boyfriends by her two older brothers who she did in fact have a relationship with and knew that she could talk to them about almost anything. And it was Austin who would be home since the project overlapped with his spring break.

When Monday rolled around and her and Micheal were starting to figure out what war they were going to work on, Elizabeth put on something comfortable of a DX crop top and some sweats. It was something she didnt mind wearing around Micheal due to the fact that she knew that Micheal wasnt going to try anything with her and if he did then Austin was right down the hall.

She sat in her chair as they both started talking about the project not knowing that Billy decided to take a last minute vacation from work to spend the week at home. He didnt know about the project that was goin on with her daughter or the fact that she had a partner for it. It was the last thing that came to his mind to think of weather or not there were guests in the house.

He was getting up to say hi to Elizabeth when he heard voices coming from her room. Talking about The Cold War and if it is something that they could do a project about. He knocked on her door as Elizabeth looked up surprised.

"Hey dad. Didnt know you were coming home today." Elizabeth stated.

"Yea. Last minute thing. Tony didnt need me this week so decided to come home for the week. What are you wearing?" Billy questioned.

Elizabeth looked down at what she was wearing before looking up at him, "A crop top and some sweats. This is what I usually wear around the house." Elizabeth shrugged before looking back at her computer.

She still felt Billy's eyes on the room but the look wasnt on her. She turned around to see that Billy was looking at Micheal. Billy started to yell at Micheal as he just got up in left not wanting to deal with it. Elizabeth tried to convince him that there was nothing going on and nothing was going to happen.

"How am I suppose to believe that nothing is going happen when you are dressed like you are asking for it?" Billy questioned.

Elizabeth sat there shocked that her father would say that. Austin came to see what was going on as Billy continued to see red. "And with your brother in the next room. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are grounded."

Billy went downstairs as Elizabeth just sat there with tears in her eyes as she didnt know how this went from good to horrible in a matter of minutes. It wasnt her fault that her father wasnt around. It wasnt her fault that her father never cared to get to know her. But it was her fault for being comfortable around someone who she knew wasnt going to hurt her. She didnt know if Micheal had even hurt other people but she didnt know. Austin gave her a slight smile before going downstairs to try and talk some sense into their dad. But there was a chance that it wouldnt cause that much of a difference. If her father saw her as nothing more than a whore than that is all she will ever be to him even though there was more to her than that.

She laid on her bed before texting Micheal telling him that she was sorry for what had happened while he was over. She didnt blame him if he wanted a different partner. Someone who's father wasnt crazy and one who's father didnt call them horrid names. Micheal let her know that he still wanted to be her partner. But if she wanted to work at his house then thats fine. They will figure it out.

Elizabeth smiled knowing that they were going to put together a project that was great and her father wasnt going to stop her. She got use to not telling him things so this was just something else that she wasnt going to tell him. She was happy as she grabbed her computer and pulled up survivor.

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