A Day In The Life: Cash Wheeler

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Skylar looked at the ceiling wondering of if she should start her day. Unlike her fiancé, she was an early bird and knowing that this was something that they did almost every day. Where she would be the one who would get up early unless they had a long day before hand. She knew being a wrestler would screw up her sleep schedule and it did for the first few years. But after meeting Cash and getting signed to AEW, her sleep schedule seemed to go back to normal considering that she didnt have to stay up till all hours of the night anymore.

Skylar looked over at the clock and saw that it was 7 in the morning and thought that she wasnt going to be getting anymore sleep today, she got up and started doing her morning routine. She found herself going to the kitchen to make some coffee before hearing the whimpering of Pawla behind her. Skylar looked over to see Pawla looking at her bowl waiting patiently as she could food some food.

"I'm coming Pawla. Thank you for waiting." Skylar stated before scooping out the two cups of dry dog food that they give Pawla in the morning.

Skylar rubbed Pawla behind the ears as a way to tell her that she is a good dog. As Pawla is eating her breakfast, Skylar grabs a cup and makes her coffee before going outside with her journal to enjoy the quietness of the world around her. This was honestly one of her favorite times of day when it seemed like everything seemed to stop and she could just enjoy what the day had in store for her.

As she was about to go outside, she saw Pawla come along with her. Skylar knew that when she was about to go outside, it was time for Pawla to go outside and do the things that she needed to like go to the bathroom. It was something that they both looking forward to before Cash got up and it was full steam ahead and everything got busy to the point to where it felt like they couldnt catch a breath till the sun went down.

Skylar enjoyed drinking her coffee and doing her morning journal. She kne that it was something that she had done for who knows how long. And she was glad that Cash understood her routine and knew that it was hard when they were in a hotel room to do the things that she enjoyed. She was happy with the slowness of the city that they were living in. Things seemed simple here and that was something that Skylar enjoyed.

She went inside to see that Cash was up and looking though the fridge. He looked towards the door to see that both Pawla and Skylar were coming back in from their relaxing morning from outside. Skylar smiled at him as he wrapped his arms around her before grabbing the yogurt and granola for the both of them.

"You know that we can skip the gym today." Cash stated.

"Are you feeling okay? You built a home gym here in the house for the days where you didnt want to go to the gym. We dont have to actually go to the gym but I am still going to work out weather it is here or at the actual gym." Skylar answered.

Skylar knew that she was all about routines and knew that her day would be off if she didnt stick to some sort of routine. Even when they were at home. And sometimes it drove Cash nuts because some days he just wanted to go with the flow while Skylar wanted to do things by a schedule.

Skylar kissed Cash before going upstairs to get dressed in her work out attire. She always made sure to pack an extra pair of clothes just in case something happened to what she was wearing and needed an extra pair or clothes. Or her attire got gross and disgusting to the point to where she needed an extra pair of clothes. She rather be over prepared than under prepared. She went into the bathroom and put her hair up before going back downstairs to meet Cash.

For some reason, she didnt want to do anything but she knew that once she went to the gym she would feel like she would want to do more things today. As much as she hated the gym on days where she didnt want to do it, she knew she would feel better once she got it done and over with. She has handed her yogurt as she ate it. They both knew that they needed something to eat if they were going to be working out even if it was small. As she was finishing up, Cash went upstairs to get changed.

He came back downstairs as she was putting her dishes in the dishwasher. She looked up and smiled, "Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I will ever be." Cash stated.

After the 45 minute work out, they both decided to run to their favorite coffee shop for some more coffee and some breakfast before they went home to take a shower. It was something that made them feel like going to the gym was worth it. Was knowing that there was coffee and food at the end of it to help them refuel their bodies.

Once they got home, Cash went ahead and took his shower first as Skylar gave Pawla some water and some love. When Cash was out of the shower, Skylar went up and grabbed a new pair of leggings and an old FTR shirt before taking a shower. It wasnt much but it was enough to know that if they were planning to go out then it wouldnt be to hard to change or not.

She came back downstairs to see that Cash was working on an to do list. Before they had met, Cash was never a big to do list person. But it seemed like since they had started dating that this was a part of her life that had rubbed off on him and it was something that she was happy that it had happened.

Once he knew what dates they were working besides Wednesdays, they always made sure to put it on the calendar to make sure that they both knew what was up for the week and the month ahead. It was something that Skylar enjoyed doing so she could plan things around that with her friends that she had made since moving here.

Today was one of those few days were it was free just the both of them. They both knew that being a pro wrestler, things were going to be hectic for awhile and they were both happy when they could either do what they needed to do at home or they were both completely free. Once he was one, he looked up at Skylar who what's making some food for the both of them.

"You know we could have gotten something delivered right?" Cash questioned.

"Of course I do. But we can still do that. Just making life easier for us the next few days cause I know that it is going to be hectic once everything starts to get started back up again and all we have is the stuff that is meal prepped. If you want to eat out then we can eat out. Not a big deal." Skylar stated.

Cash loved how Skylar looked not only after herself but him as well. She was always a few steps ahead of where he was. And he couldnt be happier with it. He knew that the moment that he met her that she was the one for him. And he loved it when she proved it to him that she was the one for him without even realizing it.

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