Chapter Six: Setting Off

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I duck as the arrows whiz by us, squeezing my eyes shut. A fast blast of air and a sharp pain race past my ear. I cry and grab it, touching blood. Nicholai runs back towards a field of tall grass, drops down to his knees, and sets me on the ground.

"Nicholai, this isn't a good hiding-"

"Cai, listen to me," Nicholai whispers between breaths, sweat pouring down his face. "I need you to crawl through here back to the castle, just like you and Axellia did when you came to sneak up on me, alright?"

"What about you?"

"I'm going a different way. You just get back to the castle, and no matter what happens, don't stop."

I'm so scared I feel like crying, but I don't. I only nod.

"Good," Nicholai nods as he ruffles my hair. He grabs my chin and looks right into my eyes.

He looks really scared now.

"No matter what happens, keep crawling." He kisses my forehead and stands, drawing out his sword before he disappears through the grass...


"Don't do it!" I scream, fighting to get free of whatever is holding onto me.

I quickly realize it's just my blankets that I have somehow tangled myself in.

"Oh, for the love of-"

I growl as I begin kicking, pulling, and twisting to free myself of this mess I've created. I stand up and begin hopping up and down in place to try and shake the blankets off me. I finally manage to free myself, only to step, trip and fall over the pile of bedding.


"Your highness?" a voice asks as my bedroom chamber opens and a guard pokes his head in.

"I'm fine, I just fell out of bed, please go away!" I quickly lie. The guard doesn't look like he believes me, but he nods and closes the door. Before the door clicks shut I spot a figure walking down the hall.

Seana stops midstep, leaning back to peek into my room, her brow crinkling in concern as the door lock clicks in place and I'm left alone.

A small groan escapes my chest. No doubt I'll be hearing about this from her later. 

I sigh, stand back up, and look around to see that it's still dark out. I'll bet even Oris isn't up yet. Fumbling around on my bedside table to find the matches and light my night candle.

I know I should probably go back to sleep. We are leaving for Cristabel Academy today and I have a long journey ahead of me. But I'm still too shaken by The Nightmare, so I shuffle to my desk, take my seat, and heave a heavy sigh. I run my hand over the top of my left ear, where one of the five scars marring the left side of my face are located.

"Why now?"

Months! I've gone months without incident, and now twice in the same week!

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Normally I'd start drawing to distract my mind from invasive, cutting thoughts, but all of my art supplies and sketchbooks have been packed up. Slumping down at my desk, I set the candle on its now bare surface and hold my head in my still shaking hands. 

"Why now?" I whisper once more.

In truth, I know why. I'm about to head to Cristabel Academy, the final leg of any noble-born person's educational journey. It's an undertaking every child within high society looks forward to. 

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