Chapter Forty-Four: Going Home

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"What in the name of Agono!" Dezden screeches as I stumble out of the boat and onto the Academy docks. My vision blurs as I collapse onto the wooden planks. Pain ruminates through every inch of my torso.

I groan as Dezden, still in his guard form, scooping me up like a baby and races away. His grip around me triggers jolts of pain, and I yelp in pain.

"Hang in there, Cai," he says as he stops outside a small hut. He beats on the door until someone answers it.

     "What happened?" a familiar voice asks as it leads us into a curtained off room and Dezden sets me on the bed.

     "I don't know," Dezden answers. "I found him this way."

     As soon as he's set me down on a table he takes off again. The hard surface is ice cold on my wounds, causing me to shudder.

     "Sh," I open my eyes and find Vivianna running a hand over my forehead.

"Viv-" I cough on the pain. "Viv-"

"You're safe now, I'll get you fixed up soon," she assures me.

     A soft neighing causes me to turn and find Sora clopping towards me, eyes and horn already glowing. Both go to work mending my wounds. Lavender light shines from the hole in my side, and the gash in my leg. The edges of the wound tingle and grow numb as they shrink close. I inhale deeply, my chest finally relaxed enough to take a full breath.

"Alright, take a deep breath," Vivianna calls.

"I was," I mutter.

"I'm going to have to pop your shoulder back in place and I need you to relax," she explains.

I shudder a bit at the thought but nod and take a deep breath. The dwarf gently cradles my arm in her hands and slowly begins lifting it straight up. I bite my lip to not scream in pain. My eyes squeeze shut as my free hand slaps against my brow.

"Breathe," Vivianna tells me as she reaches over with one hand to grab my other shoulder. She carefully turns my body towards my injured shoulder. I hear a deep clunk! I let out an "oomph" of pain before the throbbing subsides.

"There now," she comforts me as she and her unicorn go back to healing me.

     The door burst open and in races Axellia, Seana and Dezden trailing behind them.

     "You idiot!" Axellia screams as she slugs me with all her might in the shoulder.

     "Oi, I just put that shoulder back!" Vivianna snaps at her.

     "What on Tellura were you doing going to the market after midnight?" Axellia shouts. "Are you daft? You could have died! You hear that? Died! After everything you've been through, you'd think that-"

     I stop listening to my sister's ranting and turn to Seana. She's still standing in the doorway, staring at me, eyes wide.


     She all but jumps onto my chest and wraps her arm around my neck.

     "Seana?" I ask, a bit surprised by the gesture.

     "You really are an idiot," she mutters as she holds me tighter. I wrap my arms around her and return the hug.

     "I'm alright," I whisper to her.

     "You better be," she answers.

     "Seana, stop hugging him! He's in trouble right now!" Axellia snaps.

     The door slams open again. "Of all the irresponsible, insufferable things you could have done!" Ardan shouts as he storms up to me. He shoves Seana off of me and looks me dead in the eye.

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