Chapter Sixteen: Heat

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I walk out, dazed, still staring at my hands. I'd hurt someone. Not just a punch to the face, or a bruise, or a bloody nose. That wouldn't bother me. Those things heal up in a day or so. Besides, we all get those at some point, it's a part of life. But, no, I'd really, seriously hurt someone. Not someone I was in a fight with. Not someone who was asking for it. Someone who was completely innocent. 

Someone I care about. 

And I didn't even know I'd done it. I shove my hands into my pockets as I hurry towards the gardens. It's the last place I saw Zahairas. I know he's probably not there now, but it's worth at least looking. There really isn't anyone else I can ask about my magic.

 Shoving my hands deeper in my pockets, I pick up my pace. I'm not sure what good it will do. I've seen what my powers, whatever they are, had done to Seana's clothing. I'm sure they'd disintegrate my vest as well. Still, it made me feel better to hide them, to put a layer between the world and them.

Reaching the gardens, I shuffle through the greenhouse, into the orchard. There's no giant, purple dragon to be seen. Grumbling, I lean against the Jade Lady's statue. 

Three days. 

It's only taken me three days to completely...I'm not even sure what it is I've done exactly.

You again.

I look up and find Zaharias climbing over the wall, red eyes watching me closely.

"You're still here?"


"Does no one see you?"


I frown as I look about me. This garden is larger than the one at home, meaning there had to at least twice the gardeners. There's no way Zaharias could have come back here, stayed all night and all morning, and not have been seen.

"Are you lying to me?"

Mortals call this place Draga. Home of dragons. Zahairas explains as he makes his perch on the wall. No one will suspect anything if a dragon lounges about his home.

Zaharias yawns and leans his head on his legs.

"And if they do?"

They will if you keep speaking out loud.

I glare at him, then close my eyes and concentrate.

Better? I speak? Think? Manifest? Within my mind.


And if they do suspect something?

We'll meet elsewhere. Zaharias yawns again. Why come here now? Have you no classes?

I hang my head and stare at my pockets where my hands are still hidden.


I burned Seana.

Who? He picks his head up, suddenly interested.

Seana. The blond girl I came with.

There are several blond girls at this school and I know not who you came with. Please be more specific.

The half-elf half-human girl.

That is specific. Zaharias sniffs as he leaps down from the wall and glides to my side.

If you burned her, you either had a flame in your hand or used your powers.

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