Chapter Twenty: The Marketplace

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror of mine and Dezden's washroom. I look fine by all accounts except for the bruise on my side, but that's hidden under my shirt. Satisfied with my appearance, I step out into the main room to find Dezden slumped over on his bed, his face hidden behind the scroll I'd taken from the ruins.

     He's out cold, snoring loudly. I'd consider inviting him to come to the market with us, but seeing as he's already passed out it's probably best that I let him sleep. Besides, Axellia's probably still angry at him. Best to keep the two of them apart.

Careful to not wake him, I slip out of our dorm and walk to the front of the school to board the ferry to the shore of the lake, as the sea serpent bridge has since been dismantled for the year. Seana, Axellia and their animals are already there waiting on me. I suppose I should be upset that my animal cannot go with us, but given mine and Zahairas' history, I'm not.

To be perfectly honest I'm not interested in shopping. There's really nothing to do at the markets, except for waiting around for Axellia to pick out some jewel or knick-knack she doesn't need, which is as enthralling as watching paint dry. However, an angry Axellia is as enjoyable as having a wound stitched by a salt-coated needle. Therefore, shopping it is.

     As I draw closer to the two girls I'm surprised to see that Axellia looks just as bad as she had at the field, only she's washed the dirt and blood from her face.

     "Are you alright?" I ask as I reach her.

     "I suppose," she answers.

     "Why haven't you healed yourself then?"

     She glowers at me and crosses her arms. "Unicorn holders can't heal themselves." She shoots a glare to Fay, who hangs her head. "And she can't heal me either."

     "It's not her fault," Seana sighs as she pats Fay's mane. Twain is sitting perched on her shoulder, grooming himself.

     "Hello, Twain," I begin to approach him. He peeks at me with one eye as I reach to pet him. "In a friendlier mood today by any chance?"

He bites my hand and I jerk backwards.

"Apparently not," I rub my sore hand and find that it's bleeding. "What did I ever do to you?"

Twain hisses at me.

"He's just overprotective," Seana sighs as she strokes the back of his neck, apparently calming him.

"Is that what he's calling it?"

Fay trots merrily to my side and touches the tip of her horn to the bite wound, healing it instantly.

"Thank you," I say to her, genuinely surprised.

Fay whinnies and then trots back to Axellia's side. She frowns, but leans against Fay and allows her to nuzzle her hair. I smile. Though she won't admit it yet, she is warming up to her unicorn. The ferry pulls up to the dock and we step onto it, ride it to the lakeshore, then take a carriage to the marketplace.

The minute we step out of the carriage, Axellia takes off, dragging Seana behind her. I follow closely behind, but I don't stress out too much about keeping up as I turn the street corner into the markets. The brilliant, bright canvases covering the stands and walkways shine bright against the grey dusky sky. Sweet smelling steam fills the air.

A plump dwarf man with a large red hat beats a stick covered in bells against a large drum and blows loudly on a ram's horn trumpet. His triumphant song excites me, but frightens an entire den of stray kittens, sending them scattering in all directions. The exasperated mother cat chases her young down around a young kitsune woman churning butter outside a bakery, or trying to at least. One of the kittens had found the poor woman's tail interesting enough to latch onto, and she is now trying desperately to pry the small thing away from the red fur of her tail without hurting it.

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