Chapter Nineteen: Combat Training

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"Eh, Cai, Mammon, do you mind...?"

I turn as I finish tightening my gauntlets to find Dezden trying desperately to put his leather training armor on...sideways. I choke back my laughter as I finish up my own armor and help him put his on.

"So which do I do first?" Dezden asks as I take off his incorrectly placed pieces.

"Calves first, then thighs. It'll be hard to bend down and do them after you've got all the other pieces on." I explain as I fasten the armor pieces on one leg. Just as I've finished, Dezden bends down and fastens up his other leg with surprising speed.

"Like this?"

"Yes, just like that," I answer and then help him slip into his chainmail shirt, chest plate, and help him fasten his gauntlets. Once he's been dressed in his armor, we go out to the training fields for Combat and Physical Education class. As we and the other male students trail out of our barracks, the females are coming out of their own. Their battle uniforms are similar to ours: leather leggings, boots, a thick woolen undershirt, a chainmail shirt, and leather armor pieces. The only difference between ours and the girls' uniforms was a knee length chainmail skirt attached to the bottom of the shirt.

The field is even larger than the one Father had built for us when he had the new palace constructed. For one, there are two sets of grandstands bordering the actual field for tournaments and shows. The male barracks are located under the left set of seats, the female under the right. Connecting both grandstands are two arching gateways, constructed from marble and inlaid at the top with a gold picture of a griffin fighting a tiger.

As we walk to the center of the field several stations have been set up across the main field, including one that has a tight rope and two barrels full of water and soaked sponges. I gulp as I notice no cushioning of any kind underneath. I begin to stretch as it appears that we're all going to be sore tonight.

"They can't seriously expect us to do all of these do they?" Axellia asks as she runs up to me and points to all of the stations with their weights, swords, and obstacle courses.

"No, they just have these out for show," I sarcastically reply as I continue to stretch.

"I'm not trained to go on any of these!" Axellia whines.

"You had several chances to receive training, but you kept insisting you didn't need it," I point out to her.

"I didn't think I would!" Axellia exclaims. "Princesses don't go on the battlefield!"

"That's not all..." Dezden points to a statue of Cristabel in armor. "I mean look at her."

"What Axellia means when she says 'princesses don't go on the battlefield' is 'I don't go on the battlefield because it's too messy.'"

"Cai, please, c-"

"Has anyone seen the professor?" Seana asks as she comes up from behind us.

"Um," I look around me again and notice a few older students gathering around the stations, but no adult. "No, actually."

"Alright class!" A loud, cheery voice calls. We all look around for the source of the voice, only to still find no adult.

"I'm down here," the voice calls again, and we look down to find no other than...

"You've got to be kidding," I mutter under my breath.

     "Welcome to your first Combat and Physical Education Class! I'm the professor's assistant, Vivianna, and today I will just be evaluating where you're fighting and physical skills are at individually and overall as a group. Oh, this is going to be fun!" Vivianna emphatically claps her hands as she hops up and down excitedly. I can't help but let out a small groan as I and the rest of the class follow her to what I'm guessing is the starting point.

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