Chapter Twenty-Eight: Study Night

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Three weeks have gone by. That means we are half-way through our first six-week term. Which means midterm exams are upon us. My stomach already felt like it had a weight sunk inside of it with all the dragons, and mysteries, and ancestors junk. Now I just feel like I'll be sick all of the time.

The first day of the week is crammed to the brim with professors giving us guides, and rubrics, and lists to help us study. Though for now I only feel as if my head will explain. There's so much that I can barely even digest it all.

Professor Morcant has given us a map with all the kingdoms, their capitals, and their major cities listed to memorize. I've had to revisit this every year with my tutors since I was a toddler, so this exam is the least of my worries.

Alchemy, however, that's a different story! Professor Cicero is going to require us to make an amulet, charm, or magical tool of some sorts. No doubt he'll be expecting us to make something compatible with our familiar, but I'll have to break that expectation for obvious reasons! Trying to explain my way around that should've be horrible fun!

Language and Composition is going to be our final research papers. Lady Deborah has already given us feedback from our rough drafts so it shouldn't be to difficult to get a passing score, if I only can find time to make the corrections.

Rune has a list of equation types and a pamphlet of the order of operations for us to look over to practice. So long as I don't skip any steps or overlook anything I should be alright, but that alone is a tall order for me! I can't help it, mathematics is boring! And when I get bored I forget things!

Politics is going to be an impromptu written debate over a random topic. At least I won't have to worry about embarrassing myself in front of the class.

Magic class is going to be the absolute worse! Familiar training is going to be a run of a drills. Shapeshifting drills! And I don't actually have shapeshifting abilities! That's going to be a disaster. I wonder if I can just skip an exam? But then how would I explain not showing up to the familiar test to Headmaster Ardan? And to Father?

At least etiquette will be easy, it's just setting a table for an official feast. Self-defense and conditioning is going to be a redo of our first day gauntlet run. Not hard, per say, but it will be exhausting.

Who am I kidding? All of these will be exhausting!

By the time we finally make it to the library it's about as  overwhelmed and overpacked as my mind is. The library is busting at brim with our classmates, all cramming and panicking about the midterms. No one is even trying to be quiet, sending Ol'Gil into a tizzy as he flies about hushing everyone.

"Students! Students! I know you're nervous but please quiet down!"

I groan as I rub at my temple. We haven't even begun studying and I'm already feeling overwhelmed.

Hey, Zahairas?


I'm not sure if we'll be able to train this next week.

Not acceptable.


You're just now starting to make a minuscule bit of progress with your magic, and now you want to stop?

I have midterms! I know I'm the first dragon holder in centuries, and I know that means something big, though you still refuse to tell me what that is, but I have school too, you know?

You'll have to find another time to study, you have to train.



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