Chapter 1: Umm...No

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Usually my best friend Sasha has her annual sleepover the first weekend of summer break, however this sleepover would be much different than all the others. Normally her brother Justin goes to his dads house during the sleepover to avoid the girl talks, the makeup, and Ect. However his dad is going on a business trip the same weekend of the sleepover, so Justin would be staying home during the Sleepover. Justin is the best looking boy I have ever seen. He has big, dreamy eyes, the hair of an angel and the smile of one too. He is so kind and caring and can sing really good, however, he's too shy to share his talent with the world. Guess you can say I have a little crush on him. Oh who am I kidding I have a MAJOR!!! crush on him even though he's a year older than me. Justin is 18 and me and Sasha are 17. Anyway, today is Thursday and the sleepover starts Friday at 7:30 P.M. and it ends Sunday. Meanwhile, I'm in panic mode because I don't have any cute night clothes to wear to what could be the best sleepover in my entire LIFE!!! Suddenly I come to my senses and realize that I could run to the closes mall and buy me some cute night clothes. At this point I jump in my car and drive to the mall.

When I get to the mall I head into Macy's and look through the women's/teen's night clothes section. Of course I pick something purple and not too flashy. it was a two piece. The bottoms were shorts that came just above the knee (Not booty shorts), and the top was a crop top that came just a little bit above my bellybutton, and on the front it had a pink upper case letter g on it which stands for my name(Gianna). After I pay for my night wear I jump in my car and go straight home. As soon as I walk in the door my phone begins to ring. It was Sasha calling.

Phone call:

Sasha: Hey girly, how's it going?

Me: umm, good what's up?

Sasha: Oh I just called to tell you not to drool over my brother tomorrow night.

Me: Puh-leaze! I Would never. I don't even Like him.

Sasha: Ha, You must have forgot who your talking to. I know you like him and it's fine.

Me: Your so right he's soooo cute.

Sasha: Ew. Anyways, I'll call u back, have to finish cleaning for the sleepover.

Me: Ok byeee!

Sasha: TTYL!

After I hung up with Sasha I just chilled on my phone for the rest of the night. As I begin to doze off I heard my mom come in from work. She was a doctor so she either came in real late or real early, it depends on her shift. I jump up and run down stares to show her the night wear I had brought earlier for the sleepover. Of course she loved it and even insisted me to try it on. After that I made some food because she looked too tired to even stand up. After I made her food she appreciated it and begins to eat. After she ate we both sat down and watch scary movies the rest of the night until we fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up my mom had already gone to work. I then make some breakfast and go and take a shower. When I get out of the shower and get dress. Then I get overly excited about tonight. I couldn't wait to see Justin. Yes I am excited about seeing Sasha, but more excited to see Justin. However, suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I here a knock on the door. When I answer it, It was Joshua. Joshua has had a crush on me since the third grade, do I like him back? Umm...No. "What are you doing here?" I say to Joshua. He hands me some roses and says "Do you wanna go on a date tonight ?" Trying not to hurt his feelings I play sick and start coughing. "I am so sorry *coughs* but I am not feeling too well, Maybe another time," I say to Joshua. "Alright hope you feel better," he says. As he walks back to his car I slam the door. "Glad that's over with," I say to myself. After that disturbing visit I started packing my night bag for the sleepover. After I pack my bag I just watched some TV for the rest of the day. When it turned 7:00 P.M. I got in my car and drove to Sasha's house which wasn't far, it was about a 10 minute drive, she wants me to be their first so I left kind of early (it's a best friend thing).

When I get to Sasha's house I nearly faint when the door opens due to the shock of who answered the door...

Hey readers,

First story/fanfiction so feel free to give me ALL!!!! your feedback. Be real I can take it, it won't hurt me.

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