Chapter 9: Nick?

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Skip to Friday---------------------------------------------------------

  It was about the 5th time this unknown number was calling my phone so this time I answered it. 

Phone call------------------------------------------------------------

Me: Hello?

Unknown: Yes Gianna?

Me: umm...Who is this?

Unknown: Nick

Me: Nick!? I mean oh hey. How did you get my number? 

Nick: Long story, anyway how ya been?

Me: Good? you?

Nick: Fine I guess. Listen I really want to ask you something.

Me: I'm listening.

Nick: Would you be my girl again. I know I messed up in the past but I've changed, and if you just give-

Me: I'm sorry, but I can't.

Nick: Why not? We-

Me: I have a boyfriend.

Nick: *Silence*

Me: Look I moved on and I think you should too.

Nick: I guess.

Me: But hey don't be sad. I'm having a party for my 18th birthday tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. and I would love it if you came.

Nick: You know I'll be there.

Me: ok guess i'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

Nick: Bye.

   After I hung up the phone I wanted to jump off a bridge after I realized what I just did. Sure you're wondering what, well let me tell you what. I just invited Nick, my ex, to the same party Justin is coming to. Then you ask what's wrong with that. Ohhh nothing it's just that THEY HATE EACH OTHER! I don't know why. They been like this before I even dated either of them. Nick was my boyfriend in my freshman and junior year of high school until he cheated on me with some girl who didn't even go to our school. Weird, but ok. Anyway I'm in some deep trouble, and it's to late now to un-invite  him so yeah. Hopefully tomorrow turns out awesome. we'll see.

Sooooo yeah. ( For those that care) Soooo Srry I haven't been updating. My phone committed suicide and jumped in water so I don't have a phone now :( . I'm using my nintendo switch lite now so I will be more active now. Stay tuned :)

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