Chapter 7: OMG

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(Phone Call Continued)---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sasha: OMG! Stop playing with me Gianna.

Me: I'm serious.


Me: Thanks.

Sasha: Has he called you since last night?

Me: No, not yet

Sasha: He's probably still sleep, he hasn't came out his room yet. After all it is only 7:47 in the morning.

Me: Well I guess I'll call you back when I get out the shower since I'M UP NOW thanks to somebody.

Sasha: *Laughs* Ok bye

Me: Bye

(Sasha's POV)---------------------------------------------------------------------

After I hung up with Gianna I got myself out of bed. I was up so early because today, which is Wednesday is chore day. I can't say I enjoy it, but if the house isn't clean by the time mom gets home me and Justin will be kissing our phones goodbye. Speaking of Justin I head myself to his bedroom door to see why he isn't up. It's his turn to do the laundry this time, besides he gets really annoyed when I purposely wash his white Calvin Klein underwear with the dark clothes. I head to his bedroom door and try knocking, which didn't work, so I open the door and walked in. As I thought, he was sleep. "Wake up lazy," I said as I pull his window blinds open. " *Moans* five more minutes," he says half asleep. "NO! get UP!" I yell dragging him out the bed by his legs. "Alright, alright I'm up bro," he says in an annoyed voice. "Chore day let's go," I tell him while walking out his room. He slams the door behind me and mumbles something smart. "What was that?" I say. "I'm coming," he says. "Mmmhmm," I replied. Even though he's the older sibling I still feel like i'm the older one. I then go down stairs and start vacuuming the living room. Finally Justin comes down stairs and starts to clean the kitchen. After cleaning for a total of 3 hours, we were finally finished. As usual, Justin hurried and jumped on his phone checking his social medias. Justin is very popular on Instagram. Lets just say Gianna isn't the only one who thinks my brother is cute.

"I heard you got a girlfriend," I say to Justin. He starts to blush. "She told you?" He says with an enormous smile on his face. "yeah of course, were best friends duhhhh," I say being sarcastic. "I was sooo nervous when I asked her to be my girlfriend," Justin said. "You know you should do something nice for her birthday," I told him. Suddenly he had this confused look. "When is her birthday?" he asked. "Umm this Saturday, June 10th, how didn't you know that you're her boyfriend," I say looking at him like he was crazy. "Never mind that I have something special for her," he says with a smirk on his face. "What?" I say confused. "Don't worry bout it, you'll see Saturday," he says.

Anybody else want to marry the picture? Anyway, please leave comments :)

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