Chapter 15: Carnival

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  (Back To Gianna's POV)----------

      After I changed my clothes I head down stairs. Justin was already outside in his car waiting for me. I grab the house keys off the living room table and my purse and leave out the house. "What took you so long? I could've died out here," Justin sarcastically says. "Shut up," I said laughing. We then start to drive to the carnival. "Turn that up!" I yell hearing Michael Jackson's "Thriller" playing on the car radio. He did as I said and we sing along until we get to the carnival. "Were here," Justin says pulling in the parking lot. We get out the car and walk into the carnival. "What you wanna do first?" I ask Justin. "Let's play some games and win some stuff," Justin replies. "Ok," I said as we walk to the "Balloon popping" game. We were having a lot of fun. Eventually we started getting on rides that had me scared to DEATH.

   "Justin don't eat so much candy, your gonna make yourself sick," I say watching Justin eat his 5th or 6th bag of candy. "I can't get sick I'm a boy," Justin says. "Wha-
Never mind," I say rolling my eyes at him while he just laughed. We then get on the ferris wheel, which was soooo romantic. "We should get home it's getting late," Justin says as we get off the ferris wheel. "You wanna stay over my house? My mom is not even home, she's staying at her friends house for a couple days," I say. "Yeah, let me just call my mom," he said as he ate another piece of candy. "Justin stop eating all that candy," I demand. He still continues eating the candy smiling. He so cute. After Justin's mom approved of him staying over my house we leave. "Can I drive," I ask Justin. "Yeah, but please don't kill us," Justin says with this sarcastic smirk on his face. "Boy bye," I say rolling my eyes as I get in the driver seat. We finally pull off talking about the fun day we had. " Did you hear how loud that guy was screaming on the upside down ride?" I say laughing. "Yeah, did you see-
Oowww!" Justin suddenly says putting his hand over his stomach. "What's wrong?" I say super concerned. "My stomach hurts," Justin groans in pain. "I told your stupid self not to eat all that candy Justin," I say. "Dang, why I gotta be stupid?" He says. "Sorry," I say laughing. My laugh quickly became serious when Justin started moaning in pain holding his stomach. "Do you need me to pull over or something?" I ask. He nods his head yes. "Ok, hold on there's a gas station up the street.

     As soon as we pull into the gas station Justin opens the car door, leans over and starts to throw up. I rubbed his back until he stopped. "Imma go in this store right here and get you some Pepto Bismol and Ginger ale," I tell him as I get out the car. He did say anything, he was still catching his breath from throwing up. After I come out the store with Justin's medicine and Ginger ale we go to my house. "Go lay down in my room, I'll be up to give you medicine in a minute," I said. "Ok," he said as he climbed up the steps. The poor thing.


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