Chapter 2: The Sleepover

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When I knocked on the door Justin answers the door...wait for it...SHIRTLESS. After losing my breath he says "come in." As I walk in he says "Sasha will be down stairs soon, she's in the shower." Speechless all I could do was nod. He then walked out of the living room and came back with a multicolored long sleeve shirt on with the sleeves rolled up. He looked cute, as usual. For at least about 5 to 10 minutes it was complete awkward silence until Sasha came down and saved me from humiliation. "Why do you look like you just saw a ghost," Sasha said to me. with no response she finally realizes. "ohhh, I know why," she says. " Justin why don't you go play some video games or something, your making my guess uncomfortable," she says. " NO! I'm mean no he's fine I'm just a little shy that's all," I added. " Ok if you say so," she replied. As we finished our conversation more guess arrived. Just when things were going smoothly, my worst enemy walked through the door. Her name is Hailey and we've been enemies every since 7th grade when her boyfriend (Joshua) dumped her for me. She has always been a hater and check this out, she also likes Justin. The good thing is Justin is unaware that both of us has a crush on him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the boyfriend stealer," Hailey starts to say as she walks in a circle around me. "How am I a boyfriend stealer when he didn't even want you. Besides I didn't even date him, he Just likes me and I don't like him back," I say putting her in her place. "yeah right," she says crossing her arms.

As we continued to argue Sasha told us to stop. "If you guys are gonna be fighting all night, one of you is gonna have to go and it's not going to be my best friend," Sasha says in a very serious voice. At this point I knew she was talking about me and so did Hailey. As Hailey rolled her eyes she then said, "fine I didn't want to be here anyway." She gets her stuff and leaves slamming the door behind her. I thank Sasha for having my back and we all started to have fun. It was seven of us, me and Sasha and 5 of her other friends. meanwhile, Justin was in his room I guess playing video games. After us girls played games, and made Instagram and Tiktok post we each took our showers and got ready to watch a movie. We decided to watch the notebook and eat snacks. Sasha's mom Pattie had ordered pizza for us to eat and soda to drink. As it got later me and Sasha were the only ones up. "What do you see in my brother he's so..." Sasha sentence gets interrupted when Justin walks in the room. "Don't you ever knock?" Sasha says rudely to Justin. "Yeah I knock for people I respect," Justin sarcastically says. "What do you want anyway?" Sasha said. " Mom said make sure you clean up after your guest," Justin says. "ok, hold on Gianna I'm going to the bathroom," Sasha said to me as she walked out the room. Meanwhile Justin and me are left in the room by ourselves. "I like your night clothes, purple is my favorite color," said Justin. With my heart racing I manage to get out a "Thank You." "No problem," he replied.

Before we knew it we were having a full blown conversation. Laughing and giggling, of course Sasha Joined in and made it even better. "Sasha can you come here ," her mom yelled. "coming," she replied. "Guys I'll be right back," she told me and Justin. When Sasha walked out of the room, Justin leaned over and asked me something that that blew my mind...

My Best Friend's Brother. (A Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now