Chapter 12: Party Time! part 3

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       As I walk to the backyard so many thoughts ran through my head. How is he gonna react? What is he gonna say? I guess I'll have to wait and see. When I get to the back door I stop and take a deep breath before opening the door. I finally then enter the backyard. Immediately me and Justin's eyes met, only his were furious. "Why would you invite him, he broke your heart!?" Justin said in a tone I didn't appreciate. "That was the past were friends now," I say back to Justin who was rocking back and forth with anger. "I don't care! You know I don't like him why would you do this to me!?" Justin yells. "The real question is why did you have to be such a jerk!?" I yell back feeling my ears get hot. "I'm a jerk!? Who invites there ex to the same party they invited there boyfriend to!?" Justin yells. "Guys stop arguing, just calm down," Joshua says trying to get us to stop. "So what if I invited my ex, he was a better boyfriend then you'll ever be!" I yell feeling myself becoming even more angy. "Gianna cool it down will ya," Sasha says to me. "He cheated on you, how is he a better boyfriend? I brought you a f****ing car!" Justin yells back. "That's all you do buy people's love, I see why Selena left your worthless ass!" I yell, but quickly regret. Joshua and Sasha stood there completely shocked with what I just said. Justin was just quiet, he honestly looked like he was gonna cry. Still being angry I snatched off my promise ring he gave me and threw it at him. He caught it looking up at me with hurt in his eyes. "Leave," I say pointing at the backyard gate. "Come on guys don't do this," Sasha said with sadness in her voice. "I said leave, Get Out!" I yell at Justin not being able to make complete eye contact with him. He stood there for a moment still in silence. He then finally walked to out the gate with his hand going through his hair and this look on his face I will never forget. Sasha and Joshua give me a dirty look before leaving themselves. "That was really messed up Gianna " Sasha says in a disappointed tone as she walked out the gate closing it behind her. What did I just do?

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