Chapter 4: The Date

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Monday morning I woke up feeling excited about my date with Justin. As I got out of the bed I dash to my closet to pick out an outfit. After looking for what seem like forever, I finally found a yellow skin tight dress that came just a little bit above my knees. It looked really good on my complexion and I knew Justin would like it. After I picked the dress I showed my mom who loved it and told her about tonight. As it became later I proceeded to get in the shower and freshen up. I lightly did my make up and put my hair in a slick back ponytail. It was about 5:50 P.M. when I heard a light knock on the door. When I opened it, it was Justin. He had on a red and white baseball jacket, with a white tee shirt under it. Some black pants and some white sneakers. And to top it off he had a black hat on. He looked soooo handsome. As I admired his good looks I notice he looked a little pale. "Are you ok?" I ask. "yeah I'm fine, Just not feeling a little too hot right now," he replied. "Aww, do you want some water?" I ask him. " No thank you," he said. He was such a gentle men. As he escorts me to his car, I was amazed at how swaggie his car was. It was a silver, Chrome Fisker Karma. It was the best car I had seen in a long time. Like the gentle men he is, he opens the car door for me and says "Ladies first." "Thank you sir," I say with a smile.

When we got to the movie theaters I had a feeling that Sasha had told Justin I like scary movies considering the fact that we were watching "The Nun." When we get to our seats Justin grabs my hand to hold. I quickly smile as he smiles back at me. We weren't even 10 minutes into the movie when I notice Justin had fallen asleep. His hat had fallen off so I pick it up and put it back on him when I notice something. His head was burning up. I then remember earlier when he said he wasn't feeling to hot. I forget all about the movie and wake him up telling him we need to go. "Why what happened?" He says half asleep. I had to come up with some lie. "I'm scared, just come on," I say. While we leave the theater and walk to his car I see him crouch over. What's wrong?" I asked. " I just got really nauseous," he said with a weak voice. "I can drive us home if you want?" I add. "Ok," he says as he walks to the passenger side of the car. I then start to drive us to his house. On the way there I call his sister Sasha to let her know Justin is sick.

Phone call:

Sasha: Hello?

Me: Yeah Sasha it's Gianna, I'm bringing Justin home so unlock the door.

Sasha: What do you mean your bringing Justin home? What happened? did ya'll get in an argument?

Me: No, he isn't feeling good.

Sasha: Oh, Ok I will be waiting.

Me: Ok bye.

After I hang up with Sasha I notice Justin is sleep again. I hated to see him like this. About 10 minutes later, we pull up to his house. I make sure I park Justin's car safely in the drive way. I then gently wake him up. When he wakes up I walk him to the door and open it. In the living room Sasha and their mom were sitting in the living room preparing to nurse Justin back to health. Justin's mom thanks me as I sit him down on the couch. As I leave out the house I hear Justin yell "Wait! who's gonna take you home?" "I'll be fine," I say. " Please be careful, and thank you," he sweetly says. "Your welcome," I say as I leave out closing the door behind me.

( The Next Day)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The next morning I woke up to the sweetest text message a person could ask for...

Hey readers,

Hope your enjoying.

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