Chapter 5: The Message

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My heart nearly exploded when I received this text message.

Text Messages:

Sent at 10:47 A.M., Tuesday------------------------------------

Justin: Hey Gianna it's Justin, my sister gave me your phone number. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for last night. It was really sweet how u drove me home. I want to repay you for it, so if you're not busy tonight at 7:00 P.M. I would like to take you out for sushi ( Or whatever u want).

I quickly fall in love for a second until I realize, I HAVE TO TEXT HIM BACK! I start to panic wondering how to respond. Finally I calm down and reply with a nice simple message...

Text Messages:

Sent at 10:54 A.M., Tuesday----------------------------------

Me: Good Morning Justin, You're welcome, and it would be a pleasure to go out with u tonight (That is if you're not going to be sick again. LOL)

Sent at 10:55 A.M., Tuesday-----------------------------------

Justin: LOL. I promise I will be fine. See u tonight.

Sent at 10:56 A.M., Tuesday-----------------------------------

Me: See u tonight!

After our conversation ended I freaked out. I was so excited about tonight. I ran down stairs to show my mom who was off today and tomorrow from work the text messages. She was so happy for me. Then of course she gave me a whole lecture on how to be a lady for tonight. After I was done talking to my mom, I ran upstairs and called Sasha and told her to come over. When Sasha arrived I was excited to show her all the text messages from Justin. "So what's the emergency?" Sasha said in a frantic voice. "Your brother texted me and wants to take me on another date," I said with excitement. "That's not an emergency girl," Sasha says. "I thought it was weird when he asked me for your number," she continued to say. "He's so sweet and adorable," I say completely distracted picturing his beautiful face in my mind. "Yeah he was REALLY embarrassed about last night so I guess he wants to make it up to you," Sasha says. "Awww," I say as Sasha rolls her eyes.

Me and Sasha just chilled for the rest of the day talking about the usual and watching movies with my mom, until I realized it was almost 7:00. I jumped up with my mom and Sasha looking at me like I was crazy. "Have to get ready for my date," I says while running up the stairs. I hear Sasha yell up the stairs that she was leaving. "CALL ME AND LET ME KNOW HOW YOUR DATE WAS!!" Sasha yells as she walks out the door. "Ok!" I reply while I jump in the shower. When I hop out of the shower I put on some black jeans, a yellow shirt that said "Wild Child," and a black jean jacket. Then to top it off I wear some yellow converses and just wore my hair out naturally.(And yes, yellow it my favorite). Just as I tie my last shoe lace Justin calls.

Phone call:

Me: Hello?

Justin: Hey G, i'm on my way, be ready.

Me: Ok.

Justin: Alright see you.

Me: Bye.

I quickly grab my yellow purse and sit downstairs. Before I even got to the couch, there was a knock on the door, it was Justin. He had on a black leather jacket, black jeans, some red sneakers, and a red tee shirt. "Shall we," he says. "We shall," I say with a smirk on my face.

Next thing you know and ordinary date night became one of the nights of my LIFE!!!!

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