Chapter 3: The Sleepover Part 2

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"You wanna go to the movie theaters with me Monday night?" said Justin. And of course I start hyperventilating and try to keep my cool while saying "Sure." "Good I'll pick you up Monday night at 6:00," said Justin. "Ok," I answer trying not to show too much excitement. He then walks out of the room just when Sasha comes back in. "Why is my brother blushing? I never see him blush," Sasha said in confusion. "He just ask me to go to the movies with him Monday night," I say in full blown excitement. "No way! I'm so happy for you, what are you gonna wear?" Sasha Says. "I don't know but I'll figure it out," I replied. "I don't know if he told you this, but he just got over a relationship," Sasha said. "With who," I add. "Selena Anderson," Sasha told me. "She broke his heart when she went and cheated on my brother with some guy name Zayn Wilson and another guy, but I don't know his name," Sasha said. I was shocked, who would ever do such a thing to somebody just as sweet as him. Instead of responding to what Sasha said I just remained in silence feeling bad for him. "However," Sasha went on to say, "I know you won't hurt him, you're practically in love with him." I laughed and started to blush a little.

( Skip to Sunday)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Early Sunday morning I woke up and got in the shower. Sasha and her other friends were still sleep. Today is when the sleepover ends so I got up early to make sure I grabbed all my stuff. As I walked downstairs to get my bag to put my clothes in I heard a voice upstairs say "Good Morning." It was Justin. I replied back with a nice simple "Good morning." Yeah I know boring, I had nothing else to say give me a break. Anyway, he came downstairs behind me and said, "Need any help?" "Oh no i'm fine," I say. "Ok," he replied. He then walked in the kitchen for what I assumed to get something to eat. I was wrong. He walked out the kitchen and handed me a bag. I gave him a confused look. He then said, " I know you said you don't need any help, but your bag has a hole in it." " Oh, thank you I didn't even notice," I say. "No problem," Justin replied. As he walks back upstairs, I put my clothes in the new bag Justin gave me. I began to smile after he fully got upstairs thinking about how much of a gentle men he is.

Later on that day, Sasha's guest began to go home, it was around 5:00. About 7:00 I decided to say good night to Sasha and her mom. As I walk out the door I hear Justin say, "Gianna." I turn around to see him behind me. " Are we still going to our movie tomorrow night?" he asked. " Of course," I said. "Ok, See you tomorrow," he says. " Bye," I say as I walk to my car.

Hey Readers,

Stay tune if you made it this far :)

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