Chapter 14: Sorry

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(Justin's POV)------------------------

I woke up early Monday morning and jumped in the shower. Showers usually help me feel better, but lately they haven't been working. I felt so empty, like a piece of me was missing. I missed Gianna but she didn't miss me. I don't have an appetite anymore, I can't sleep, and I don't feel like talking to anyone. I hated this feeling, it really sucked. When I get out the shower Sasha gets in as I go back to my room. "Good morning," Sasha said before closing the bathroom door. I didn't speak back. When I get to my room I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I suddenly here a knock on the door. I have no choice but to answer it since Sasha is in the shower and our mom went grocery shopping. I slowly walk down stairs. They only knock once so I figured they would be gone by the time I answered it. I was wrong. When I open the door I my eyes meet with someone I least expected to see. It was Gianna.

"Hi," I say nervously. "Hey. Um, can I maybe talk to you?" she says looking down at her shoes. "Come in," I say. She steps in and sits on the couch. "Justin I know you probably don't wanna hear this, but I'm really sorry," she says. I don't say anything while staring at the floor. "I really didn't mean anything I said, especially about Selena," Gianna continues to say. "No, your right, I'm worthless that is probably why Selena cheated on me," I say still staring at the floor. "Justin your not worthless! You're amazing, kind, and funny. I was just mad that day and said things I didn't mean. Please forgive me I miss you," Gianna says. "I miss you too," I say finally making eye contact with her. "I forgive you," I said giving her a smile. We then hug and she kisses me on the cheek. "There's one more thing I have to ask you," I say getting on one knee. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" I asked. "Of course," she replies as I put the promise ring back on her finger. "Justin have you seen my-
Wait! Are you guys back together?" Sasha asked in confusion as she came down the stairs. "Yep," we both answered back. "Yeah! Finally," Sasha says with excitement. "You guys should celebrate," Sasha suggested. "There's a carnival a couple blocks from here. Wanna go?" I asked Gianna. "Yeah, let me go change my clothes," she says. "Alright I'll pick you up from your house," I say. "OK," she said as she left out. "Congratulations big brother," Sasha says smiling at me. "Thanks," I say smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.


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