Chapter 16: Sick

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     After I sent Justin to lay down I poor his Ginger ale in a cup and grab his pepto bismo and take it up stairs. "Here," I say giving him some pepto bismo. He takes it and makes a disgusted face. "Now wash it down with this and drink it slowly," I say handing him the Ginger ale. He does as he's told and rested his head on the pillow. "Get some rest," I tell him getting in the bed next to him. He closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep, I did the same as well.
  (Later that night)--------------------

      I check my phone to see that it is 3:25 a.m. after being waken up by gagging noises. I turn to the left side of the bed and notice Justin wasn't there. I look down the hall and see the light on under the bathroom door. I put my ear up to it and hear Justin moaning. "Justin you ok? Can I  come up in?" I ask. "I don't feel good," Justin moans as I open the door and come in. "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be sick again?" I ask. "I didn't want to wake you," Justin says leaning his back against the wall. "Aw baby don't worry about that, I want to take care of you," I say as I see him crack a smile for the first time in hours. After he was finished he rinsed his mouth and got back in bed. I put a trash can next to him just in case and get in bed and go to sleep.

    The next morning I woke up early. Justin was still sleeping. Trying not to wake him I slowly crawl out of bed and go downstairs. I sit in the living room on my phone. I notice Sasha had text me last night asking me were we having fun. So I decided to call her.

(Phone Call)------------------------------

Sasha: Hey girl! how was you and Justin's carnival date?

Me: It was Wonderful until...

Sasha: Oh no, did you guys fight again?

Me: No, let me let you.

Sasha: proceed

Me: So Justin decided to eat a whole bunch of candy, even though I told his dumb self not to...

Sasha: *laughs*

Me: So then on our way back home, I had to pull over so he could throw up.

Sasha: Oh no.

Me: yep. He was sick all night, hopefully he's better today, he hasn't woke up yet.

Sasha: Justin is so stubborn sometimes, he should've just listen to you.

Me: yeah I told him, but anyways I better go check on him now.

Sasha: Ok, bye.

Me: Bye.

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