Chapter 13: Apologies and depression

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      It's been 2 weeks since me and and Justin broke up, we haven't talked or anything. It's also been 2 weeks since I talked to Sasha. She's probably so mad at me for breaking Justin's heart. I finally couldn't take the guilt any longer and decided to call Sasha. Surprisingly she answered.

(Phone Call)---------------------------------

Sasha: Hello?

Me: Hey Sasha...Listen. I'm soooo sorry for hurting your brother like this, I really am. I-

Sasha: It's ok, I forgive you, but Justin is taking it pretty hard.

Me: what do you mean?

Sasha: He's so depressed. He won't talk, he won't eat, and he barely sleeps.

Me: Oh my god what did I do!?

Sasha: It's ok, y'all were both just mad.

Me: what can I do?

Sasha: whenever your ready just talked to him, I know y'all will make it.

Me: Ok, thank you for always being there.

Sasha: No problem bestie.

Me: Bye.

Sasha: Talk to you later.

(Sasha's POV)--------------------------

    After getting off the phone with Gianna, it felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Hopefully I could soon feel that way with Justin. Me and mom are so worried about him, yesterday he didn't even come down stairs. He's been skipping meals and barely talking to us. Mom is at work right now, and right now my goal is to get him to eat something. I decide to make something he'll actually like, spaghetti. After I made his food I put it in a bowl and put it on a silver tray. I then carry it up stairs. When I get to Justin's door I knock. "Justin, can I come in?" I ask. "Yes," he replies. I then proceed to open the door. "I made your favorite," I say handing him the tray. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry," he said. "Justin you haven't eaten anything for 3 days straight, your gonna get sick. Please eat," I beg. "OK, fine," he says finally grabbing the fork and eating. I  leave out the room to give him his alone time. I hope he stops this soon.

Awwwww, poor Justin😭😥

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