Chapter 11: Party Time! part 2

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    "What's he doing here!"  Justin yells with pure anger in his eyes. "He's my-," I was interrupted by Nick. "No what are you doing here?" Nick asked Justin. I tried to speak, but failed. "Nick he's my bo-." "I'm her boyfriend," Justin said interrupting me AGAIN. "Why would you invite him? He cheated on you," Justin said still completely furious. "HEY WHY DON'T YOU MINE YOUR BUSINESS BRO!" Nick yells starting to get impatient. "YO WHO YOU TALKING TO BRO I WILL BEAT THE F**K OUTTA YOU MAN!" Justin says as his face turned a bright red and fist began to ball up. "WHAT'S UP!" Nick says walking up on Justin. "Guys stop it's not worth it!" Me and Sasha say trying to get them to calm down, but things only got worse. "I'M RIGHT HERE B**ch!" Justin yells completely snapping. Me and Sasha jump in front of both of the boys to avoid them from fighting, but some how Justin got past Sasha and swung on Nick. They had fell down fighting and instead of helping us break them up everyone at my party just watched and recorded.  Justin had Nick pinned to the ground punching him so hard he was bleeding. Nick then pushed Justin off of him and got a couple good hits until Justin body slammed him to the ground. Finally Joshua arrived and helped me and Sasha break them up. Joshua grabbed Justin and took him out the back door and me and Sasha grabbed Nick who was beaten up pretty badly and took him out the front. We could still hear Justin who was in the backyard swearing and trying to get to Nick.

    Once we got Nick safely out the house I felt so bad. He had a bloody nose, a black eye, scratches and more. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I- " "It's fine we have always been like this," Nick said interrupting me. "Why?" Sasha asked. "Well, we used to be best friends until his ex Selena cheated on him with me. He hated me after that and his hate made me hate him even more. We started getting into fights and arguments all the time and just stop being friends," Nick explained. Now everything made since. "Wow that's deep," Sasha said in shock. After a while of sitting on the porch my guess started leaving because it had gotten late. Justin was still in the backyard with Joshua. He was much quieter and calm now. "I'm  going to head home now, it was nice seeing y'all," Nick said walking to his car. "Bye," me and Sasha said. "I guess imma go talk to Justin now," I say to Sasha. "OK," she responded. This should be interesting.

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