Chapter 6: Boyfriend

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While we were driving to the restaurant, I get a little sidetrack when Justin makes a quick stop at the park by the mall. In confusion I ask Justin "What's going on?" "Don't worry about it just follow me," he says as he opens the car door for me. I follow him to a bench that was in the middle of the park. He then sits me down on the bench. "Am I allowed to know what's going on yet?" I say very clueless. "Shhhh," He says as he gets on one knee in front of me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He says as he opens a little box with a sliver, rhinestone ring in it. I like to have DIED!!! I was almost in tears of joy just before saying "Yes." He then gets so happy and picks me up and spins me around. He then places me back on the bench and puts the perfectly fitting ring on my ring finger. I give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek as he starts to blush. After that we get back in the car and really drive to the restaurant this time.

After driving for at least 30 minutes we pull up in the parking lot of an Italian restaurant. We ate, talked , joked around, and had fun. Afterwards on the way back we listen to music and did some more goofing around. When we finally pulled up to my house it was about 10:00 and it was pitch black outside. "You want me to walk you in," Justin says. "Yes," I say. We both get out the car and walk up to my door. We then stand there for like 5 seconds while I unlocked the door. "So I guess goodnight, " Justin says. "No, why don't you stay for a while. If you want," I say. "Ok," Justin replies. On that note, we sit down on the couch and watch some tv. As I turn on the tv my mom walks downstairs. My mom knows Justin just as well as she knows Sasha so she didn't care too much about him being here. "How was ya'll date?" my mom asked. "Well other than the delicious food, we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend," I say. "Wow! Congratulations," My mom says with a smile. She then heads back upstairs. About an half an hour later, me and Justin had both fell asleep. I then felt some light shaking. "Go back so sleep, I'm just letting you know I'm leaving," Justin said. Half asleep I nod ok and go back to sleep.

The next morning Sasha called me bright and early.

Phone Call:

Me: Hey girl Heyyy!

Sasha: Hey. How was your date with my brother? Did he take you to a good restaurant? Did he hold your hand? SPILL THE TEA!!!

Me: Lets just say I have a wonderful boyfriend.

Sasha: *Gasp*

keep reading :)

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