DAY 12

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PEOPLE ARE INSANE. Cameron is insane. Ugh... I just want to stay in my room forever and DIE! But, NOOO!! Me and Cameron share a room..! Ugh... No one can just kiss you out of a blue!! After that, I rushed out of there. Great, people will think that I have a thing with Cameron. Even if we do but, it's complicated as other crazy people would say.

Right now, I'm in my ("OUR") bedroom under my blanket listening to "New Wave". I was by the window eating Nutella while waiting for Cameron to come home so that I know when or where to hide. A lot went through my mind while I waited for him... Why does he even like me? And why does he has SOO much confidence? And why did I run out of Nutella so fast?

Cameron was still not here. It's been like 2 hours... Where should he be at this hour? I went downstairs to get more food when my mom was there.

"Violet, have you seen the Nutella?" Crap.

"Nooo..." I just said.

"Well, whatever..." My mom said. I was thinking on asking her where Cameron is but, no... Not yet.

"Did you know that Cameron is in a band?" My mom was rummaging through the fridge, probably looking for something to eat. Like me.

"Uhhh... Yeah."

"Well, he said that they are having a gig tonight at The Mallow." Hmmm. The Mallow... The infamous place here where queer core indie bands play, and teenage hipsters drink run-down beer. I've been there like twice and the people there are familiar with me there. It's not like I drink there but, the music is good.

"Cameron is inviting you to see them." My mom said while she got her special mug from the cupboard.

"Really?" I asked.


"Can I... Go now?.." I backed up a little.

"Sure." She said. "Just make sure you get back here before 12 midnight."

"Okay." I exclaimed and rushed upstairs. I don't really know why I feel that excited but, I can't wait to go to The Mallow again.

I managed to hitch a ride with the singer of a band playing at The Mallow
tonight. She said she was the lead singer of the band The Yells. She was a nice girl with wine-red hair and a crop top. "So punk rock" Some weird people would say.

Anyways, after minutes of pushing people through the crowds, I couldn't find anyone I know in this place so, I just got me something "safe" to drink and wait till the next band plays. I almost choked on my drink when the next band played. Before I knew it, Cameron was on the stage wearing a floral polo I have never seen before and some combat boots. It's weird to see him wear clothes like this. This is WAAY too punk rock than his usual nerdy-nerd style. He set up guitars and stuff with some other dudes, one is blonde and the other is brunette. Ugh, blonde boys. I went closer to see if this is really real. I cannot believe this... Later, the DJ announced the next band playing.

"Next up, we have a new-comer..." He said through the mic. Hmp. Amateurs... "Give it up for "The Juvenile Diplomats"." This time, I think I almost gagged. Juvenile Diplomats? Who would think of a band name like that?? The blonde boy then spoke through the mic and introduced their song.

"This song is dedicated to someone special." he said all professional like. "The song is called Ottoman." Then they started to play. Okay, this night is getting weirder and weirder. Probably going to be the worst night EVER...


So, apology for the past chapters... They were quite messy and weird but I just wanted to get to this part. So yeah...

Also for the band name, I couldn't really think of a good one. I was thinking for "Teenage Diplomats" but too boring so I looked for a synonym of teenager and *BOOM* Juvenile Diplomats. Anyways. Bye. *

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