DAY 24

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GLOOMY, depressing days would usually go slow. But, they disappeared in a heartbeat. Cameron avoided me all week long. Just like what I would usually do. I wanted to talk to him but I guess I lost all my courage to. Now, it's a depressing Friday night. I'm in my pajamas in my room. Cameron is not here (of course. Trying to avoid me. He even tried to do my whole plan on avoiding people. Burrito wrap, late eating schedules...). Cameron and his band has this other gig at The Mallow tonight. He told me about this a week ago. He told me about how he wanted me to be there badly because he has this song that he wanted to perform for me. But now, I guess he's doing the opposite. I could imagine it right now. Him on the stage, looking high or whatnot, he says something like "I dedicate this song to the girl who broke my heart. Bitch." And then the band plays some rusty guitar intro. He belts out these lyrics about me, being a cold hearted bitch. I tear up just thinking about it. I decided that the temporary cure I need is something to eat. I ascend downstairs to raid the Nutella in our pantry. I went downstairs and was going for the kitchen, when I noticed three familiar faces in my living room. My mom was out tonight so who the hell would let in Austin, Michael, and Tessa? Tessa, she probably got them in. I told her about the secret key under our mat, just in case I'm alone and something bad happens to me. 

"Uhm, hey?" I awkwardly said. Tessa immediately ran to me and hugged me. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay Vi? I haven't heard from you in ages!" Her grip was tight on me. 

"Okay. Let go of me first Tess..."

"Sorry." She murmured as she let go of me. "So, are you alright?" I just glare at her and shake my head. 

"Why are you guys here anyways?"

"We're here because of Cameron..." Austin said. "He's been a wreck lately..."

"Oh, why?" I ask them. 

"Well, it's because of you..." Michael answered. 

Austin stepped back into the conversation. "Yeah, he's been mopey and sad about you guys." They all nod and agree. I felt slightly happy inside. And confused... 

"He's sad, because of me? He's the one who got mad and said some shitty things about me and he's crapped up because of me?!" I exclaimed. Austin and Michael both looked at each other. 

"Yes." They said in sync.

I wanted to say something else as snarky but I couldn't so I just placed my hand on my face and grunted. "Why?"

Austin held the back of his head and replied. "Well he's just... Uh..."

"He's sensitive..." Michael replied out of frustration. 

"Really?" I scoffed. "What exactly do you mean by "sensitive"." I emphasized my pointing and middle fingers.

"It's just that he likes you." Austin says. 

"He likes you a lot that he talks about you all the time and it's getting obnoxious." Michael faintly said.
Outside I was just glaring at them but inside, I was dancing like crazy. "Oh."

"Yeah, but even if he's missing you he's still pissed at you." Austin said. I heard Michael mutter something. "Faggot". I couldn't help but agree that he's so much like a woman when it comes to emotional things like this. 

"Wow." I say. "Just wow."

Michael nodded. "Yeah, so if you could just come with us and fix this whole thing with Cameron before our gig that would be great." Michael said. 

"I refuse." I said as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. 

"Please Violet.." Tessa pleaded and pulled off some freaky puppy eyes on me. I just smirked at her and shook my head. 

"Well..." She put her hands down. "We'll have to do it the hard way then." They all looked at each other. 

"What?" I exclaimed. Michael quickly grabbed me and took me outside. 

"Hey! Put me down! This counts as kidnapping you know?! I could put you in court for this!" I tell as they all head for this silver car. Cameron's car. But no sign of him in there. Michael then puts me in the back seat and Tessa goes in beside me too. Austin goes in the drivers seat and we all drove off. I grumpily sit on my seat and look out the car window. 

"I hate you guys..."

"We know..." Tessa smirked. "But it's for your own good Vi."

Pfft, I know it's not.


We arrive at The Mallow in a few minutes. It was the same as always, the smell of beer, place packed with druggies, and a chance that people are fucking in the bathroom right now. The minute we got in, Austin and Michael disappeared. I looked around for them when Tessa grabbed my hand and led me to the bar. 

"Oh my gosh Vi, I have never been to a place like this." She exclaimed as she ordered two beers.
"Yeah. Well, most of the parties we go to are like these with less hipsters." I thank the bartender and take a sip of my beer. Tessa looks at her beer before she drinks it. I can reassure you that the drugs are in the parking lot, not in here. 

"Wow. Cheap." Tessa said. She then stands up from her stool and head for the stage.
"Tess. Tessa wait!" I yell after her. I couldn't afford to lose her in a crowd like this. Just think about what she could get herself into. 

I follow Tessa to the back of the stage. Of course, she leads me there. I try to catch up to her. I bump into a stoner, this lady with fake breasts, this hip old looking guy (probably the bar owner) and finally, Tessa. 

"Holy shit Tessa, don't do that ever again..." I catch my breath. She turns to me and smiles and grabs my hand and before you know it, I'm at this weird part of the stage where it's quiet and no people in sight. 

"Tessa, just tell me what the fu--" I turn to see that she wasn't there anymore. Now I'm left all alone. Or so I thought. I then saw it. The dark hair that lazily falls over his brown eyes. He had a guitar in his hand but he was not playing it. The dark haired boy stood up from the stool he was sitting in and placed his guitar down and turns back to me. He smirks at the sight if me standing there. Ah, the classic smile of the one and only Cameron. 

"Oh. It's you."

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