DAY 19

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I WAS HEADED FOR THE SCHOOL ROOF. Out of all the places I would go to think, this is where I usually go. I was running up the stairs when I noticed that the door to the roof was already opened. Weird, no on ever goes here but me. I just wen't up and looked around for anyone.

"Hello?" I called out. Nothing. All that was here was old boxes and metal scraps. I then heard a noise coming from the back part of the roof. I walked to see what it is. A person was sitting on the ledge. It looked like he was about to commit suicide but he had to think of his life first or whatever. What scared me the most is that I think that boy was Cameron.

"Hey! Cameron!" I called out. He turned and waved at me. He put his hand back on his pocket. I did not notice the cigarette in between his lips. I walked closer to Cameron.


"Hey..." He turned to me and moved aside for me to sit down. He offered me a smoke but I refused. For now...

"What the heck are you doing up here?" I asked him.

"Nothing, I just found this place and just sat here and enjoyed the view..."

"Okay. But this is actually where I think..."



He just laughed and he pulled me closer to him.

"Well, this is not your place anymore..."

"What do you mean?" I tried to pull away from him but he had a strong grip on me.

"What I mean is that this is our place now..."


"Well, since I like you a lot and this place and you like this place as well and you probably can't get your eyes off me, I think is a place where I can call it ours." I finally pulled away from him. I just looked at him like he was insane.

"You're freaking crazy..."

"And you..." He turned to me. "Are going to kiss me..." He attempted to kiss me but I push his face back with my hand. I just laughed at him.

"No. I will not." I laughed and got up. I was going down the stairs and as usual, Cameron was following me from behind.

"Anyways..." Cameron said. "What were you going to think about up there?" You. I was going to think about you. I didn't even dare to say it.

"Nothing." I walk off. I know that I don't really show that emotion to people but, I just express my affection to them in secret. Without them even knowing it. I do the same for Tessa and now, Cameron. Because of that, people think I'm some sort of heartless bitch when I really a have a soft side. I walked towards the exit. I was just going to walk home. I needed to think...

"Hey, you wanna catch a ride with me?" Cameron asked me. I just shook my head. "Come one, it looks like it's about to rain anyways..." He nudged me on the arm. I just sighed and nodded.

"Great!" He then grabbed my hand and led me to his car. It was that car from that one night. I guess that memory will run through my head every time I ride in his car... I just shrugged and got in. He started the car and drove off. Every 5 minutes, he would try to take a glance of me. After his 4th glance, I shot a glare at him and he stopped. I suddenly laughed at him...

"Why are you like this?.." I laughed.

"Like what?"

"Your kind of weird..."

"Well, I guess it's because of you Violet... You make me like this..." Again, he's insane...

"Whatever. I don't understand you so never mind..." I said as I looked out the car window. We both stayed quiet until we reached home. I quickly got out of the car and headed for the door. I wen't straight to the kitchen and raided the refrigerator. I'm hungry when I'm confused... I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Cameron finally parked his car and sat beside me.

"So, whatcha watching?"

"I have no idea... I'm busy stuffing oreos in my mouth..." He got a bag of chips and opened them. I wasn't really confused, I was more of nervous. I'm nervous around Cameron and now it's getting worse because he's everywhere. I don't know why I'm nervous... I'm waaay more nervous now that he has his arm around me.

"I'm going upstairs." I blurted out and quickly ran to my/his room. I left him puzzled and alone there on the couch. I think I know now, I know how I act whenever I'm around someone I really like...

Whatever: The Diary of VioletWhere stories live. Discover now