The new girl

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I listening to my favorite songs while driving to the new school ever since I burn down the whole school on accident that's also the day I found out I had powers I'm just glad I didn't move houses my home is pretty lovely "and we're here"my dad said and stop the car my jaw dropped this place is huge "this is where you guys work"I said

"Yes but only on missions"my parents said at the same time "how come I couldn't go here instead of my other school"I asked
"Your dad didn't really feel comfortable until now"my mom says "ok enough talking now you have to go to school remember to-"I cutted off my dad"to call you in case of an emergency got it"I say I get my backpack and get out the car

"And try to make some friends please"my dad say I laugh "ok will do"I say I was walking until someone was in front of me "Oh you must be violet"the girl with the short hair and white dress with body guards around her  says "yes I am may I ask who you are"I say "I'm miss Granada now follow me"she says I started following her we went inside it was kinda a long walk until we stopped to a door that's a vault

"Open"miss Granada says the body guards opened the door there isn't a lot of kids that I expected they were all working on something "children"miss Granada says they immediately look at her that's kinda shocking because when I was in my other school it will sometimes take a whole hour to get they're attention "this is violet multiple I'm expecting you children to give violet a nice welcome now violet I would like you to sit over there"she says and points to a sat where I'll be alone hopefully

I go and sit there she walks out the door and closes it "she's gone"a kid with curly hair says everyone goes crazy except me I was reading a book I'm kinda of a book worm so I kept reading until a kid in a wheelchair came ugh seriously

Wildcard pov:I kept looking at the new girl she cute-hold on what the heck wildcard you haven't even met her and your already catching feelings "ugh I hate the new girl already"I heard missy say "I agree"Lucy says (forgot to mention Lucy is a girl I added to the story she's powerless like missy and is a pick me girl)I rolled my eyes they're both so annoying "oh heyyyy wild booo"Lucy says and starts getting close to me "ew get away from me Lucy and stop calling me that"I say and push her off me aggressively "owww I got a booboo can you kiss it"she says and gets close to me

"No but I will shock you to your death"I say she gasps and runs away she runs so weird "stop being mean to Lucy"missy says "I can do whatever I want"I say missy rolls her eyes and walks away I saw the new girl make a bubble that's a force field I seen wheels,noodles,face marker walking to me I  cross my arms "so how did it go"I say "she's mean"wheels says "yeah she would answer us but in a rude way we tried to get in the bubble but didn't work"

Face marker says Back to violets pov:I heard knocking "ugh I told them to stop knocking"I mumbled to myself I looked trough the bubble(your bubble is see through btw)I see a little girl with overalls on I decided to open my bubble and let her in "hi I'm guppy"guppy says she was adorable "hi I'm violet"I say she sits next to me "what are your powers or you don't have any"guppy says "I have powers there I can teleport anywhere I can also read minds and make any sharp object also can control nature and fire"I say

"Wow that's really cool"she says "what are your powers little miss guppy"I say "I can control water and I have sharp teeth and also have shark frenzy"she's says that kinda sounds familiar "may I ask who are your parents"I say "my mommy is lava girl and my daddy is shark boy"she says we kept talking "well I have to go I promised my baby that I'll be back"she says and gets down from the chair"who's your baby"I say "she's my baby doll"guppy says I opened the bubble and let her out I decided to listen to some music and continued reading

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