It's just a simple prank

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2 weeks later:
Everyone is mostly friends with me except Lucy and missy I woke up to yelling of laughing I made my bed I go to my bathroom and turn on the lights "ugh this light is so bright"I say and put my hand on my face I started brushing my teeth I did my skin care I put on my clothes I turned off the lights and I get out of my dorm and closed my door I see someone next to me wait made me jump a little

"Scared ya multiple"wildcard chuckles "haha very funny"I say and glared at him he looked at me and stopped laughing "sorry"he says and scratches his neck in an awkward way I go downstairs "good morning violet"a cappella and fast forward says "good morning fast forward and a cappella"I said "hey where's my good morning"wildcard says and looks at me I chuckled "good morning wild"I say "good morning violet"he says and grabs my hand and kisses it

"Being flirty today wild"I say "maybe or maybe not"he says and sits down in his seat I laughed "ugh that's enough me and Lucy are tired of you guys being all flirty"missy says "wait to go missy for ruining it"a cappella says "cant believe you chose me over her wild boo"Lucy says "we're not even dating"wildcard says in annoyance I looked at the clock "Granada is about to come"I say I teleport port to a random seat it made me sit next to wildcard I open my laptop and pretend to do work "well it looks like you children are already doing your work"she says and walks out

"She's gone"noddles says everyone started going everywhere like always "so you chose to sit next to me huh"wildcard says and looks at me "I teleported somewhere random"I said and looked at him we make eye contact I felt eyes on me I turned and see missy and Lucy glaring at me "they're looking at me"I say wildcard turns around and gives them dirty look "not anymore"he says "wildcard can I ask you a question"I say "go ahead"wildcard says "do you like anyone"I say "well I do actually she one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen"wildcard says

"Can you tell me who"I say "no can do"he says "please"I beg "nope"he says I kept saying please and he kept saying no I finally gave up he fell asleep in his chair I see a black marker I smiled of my idea I started drawing a mustache I heard guppy laughing "wildcard looks so funny "she says while laughing I laughed too I put my index finger on my mouth and saying shhh I was finally done making the mustache I heard wildcard slowly waking up I quickly move the marker guppy kept laughing "guppy what's to funny"he says then everyone starts laughing "take a look at your face"I say and handed him a mirror he eyes widened "MULTIPLE YOU ARE SO DEAD"wildcard says aggressively I ran for my life he started chasing me I stopped he was close to me but I teleported "what WHERE SHE GO"wildcard says try's to look for me I teleported back to him and tapped his shoulder right before he was going to grab my waist I teleported he tried to get me but I kept teleporting "ok I give up violet"he says he looks like he's out of breathe I sat back to my seat he sited next to me "can you at least help me take this off"he says I nod I started wiping it off while he was admiring himself in the mirror I laughed "what I look hot"he says I laughed more I finally took off the mustache

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