Your acting weird

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As I was practicing my powers two girls come up to me "we seen you meet the dickhead of the group"a girl with a white shirt with light brown hair"do you mean wildcard"I said "well of course we did"a girl with two buns in her hair says "I'm fast forward by the way"fast forward says "and I'm a cappella"a cappella says"nice to meet you both I'm violet"I say

We started talking "ok everyone it's time to go back to headquarters"Moreno says we all get our things someone pushes me"watch where your going"wildcard says wtf he was nice now he's mean that's weird a cappella and fast forward help me up "you can sit next to us if you want"a cappella says "I would love to"I say we get on the bus I sit next them wildcard kept staring at me since he was rude to me I gave him dirty looks

We finally arrived at headquarters we get out the bus and started walking towards the building I was walking next to wildcard being the girl I am I pushed wildcard with my shoulder "ow what the fuck"wildcard says and looks at me I catch up with a cappella and fast forward we go inside the guards let us in the room I sat back down at my sit the guards closed the door "right she's so annoying"

I heard wildcard said to the boys me and the girls walk over to wildcard and the boys "are you to pathetic to say it to my face"I say he looks at me "no I'm not"wildcard says and rolls his eyes "then say it I'm right here"I say "go sit back down at your sit"wildcard says "and why would I do that"I say "because I'm the leader so whatever says goes"wildcard says "do you realize how dumb you sound"I say he gets up from the chair and looks at me we make eye contact

"Acting up huh the first time I met you you were a kind boy but now that your with your friends you act all tuff"I say and walk away he sits back down I go to my sit with the girls I make my force field the girls kept talking to me I get a text from my mom and dad saying I'm staying here(pretend there's dorms there)they didn't tell me why that's weird "hey are you guys sleeping here"I say "yeah mostly everyone from here sleeps here"fast forward says "yeah but we have separate dorms"a cappella says

I see someone behind before I tried to see who it is I look at my bag there's a note on it 'hey honey since me and your mom are going somewhere here's some of your clothes and other things hope you are having a great day-by dad"I look in my bag and thank gosh they packed me some good clothes I could hear foot steps coming close to us "she here"I say everyone quickly pretends that they're working I take down my force field "children it is time to get ready for bed"miss Granada says "oh and violet your dorm is between a cappella and wildcard "she points I nod my head she walks out

I go to my dorm and put my things away the lights are off I take a shower after that I brushed my teeth then did my skin care since it was pretty quiet and no one was downstairs I decided to quietly go and sit down on the couch in the snack area I sit there and watched a movie "why are you up so late"wildcard says coming down a rope I rolled my eyes "what do you want now"I say and pause the movie "well this were I usually stay here most of the night"wildcard says and sits next me

"Whatever just don't bother me"I say I unpause the movie I continued watching the movie I looked at wildcard for a second he was looking at me but immediately looked away *after an hour*the movie ended "well that's was a good movie"wildcard says "yeah it was I'm tired"I say and get up "well good night multiple"wildcard says "good night wild"I say and go to my dorm I locked the door and go to sleep

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