I'll forgive you

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I woke up I sat up and see the girls also sleeping I walk to the bathroom I took a quick shower,got dressed,brushed my teeth and hair,do my skin care I walk out the bathroom to see the girls still sleeping "wake up"I yelled they all immediately wake up I chuckled "let us sleep"missy says "no can do Granada is about to be here in a couple seconds"I say my eyes widened I quickly ran to my seat so did the girls

They closed my door and sat in their seats Granada comes in "children today you'll be going to training now get your stuff ready"Granada says,we all get our stuff and walk out the door we go on the bus they're was a lot of talking I felt eyes on me I look up for a quick second and see wildcard looking at me he immediately looks away he looks pissed "looks like someone's angry"fast forward whispers to me

I nodded my head I looked out the window we're in the air I smiled while looking out the window we suddenly land we get off the bus I got my stuff miss Moreno welcomed us we had some lemonade we go to her backyard and train I was working on my powers until someone tapped my shoulder I turned around and see wildcard "can I talk to you for a second"wildcard says I nod my head "I'm sorry for the thing I did but I had zero idea that I did that all I remembered was going downstairs that's about it"he says "I'll forgive but I'm one last chance"I say he smiled at me

And walks away "So I see you and wildcard are getting along again"missy says "yeah but I'm giving him one last chance"I say "and if he messes it up I'll chop his dic-" I cutted fast forward "woah,woah,woah,I already now what your going to say plus there's a child here"I say and put my hand in fast forwards shoulder "but I will do it"she says me and the girls laughed I continued practicing my powers

"UH OH"I heard a cappella yell I looked at the girls direction and see guppy in shark frenzy while chasing face marker I see wildcard and noddles trying to hold her down but they were about to fall I quickly helped them the girls were calming down guppy then noddles let's go which cost me to fall backwards I see wildcard on top of me my eyes widened he quickly gets up"I'm sorry"he says and helps me up "it's fine"I say and stood up

A/n:sooo I'm thinking of doing a couple of more chapters on this book then I'll end it but I'm not fully sure other then that have a great day:)

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