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I woke up...I didn't even realize I fell asleep I checked the time it's currently 10:30 am I took a shower, changed into new clothes ,brushed my hair ,brushed my teeth, and did my skin care I started reading a book I looked at the time and placed down my book and closed my door

I go and sit in my seat Granada came in "children I've seen that you escaped the camp can someone tell me why"Granada says everyone was silent I raised my hand "violet"she says and points at me "I had very weird energy once I stepped in that camp we ran into two kids I also seen they wrote help me and it's not safe here on there hand they we're right it wasn't they tried to kill us just to take our powers"I say "children is this true"she says everyone nods they're heads yes

"Alright since it was true I'm very glad you children are safe now I will report this and sue the camp now continue with your studies"Granada says and walks out and everyone starts to get crazy the girls walk over to me "do you think she's actually going to sue the camp"fast forward says "to be honest I think she is"a cappella says someone taps my shoulder I turn to see wildcard

"Violet can I talk to you"he says he looks nervous "sure"I say "in private"he scratches the back of his neck I nod my head I got up from my seat we walked to the couch "so I was wondering if you would wanna go to a date tomorrow"he says I smiled at him "I would love to"I say and hugged him he hugs back "great I'll pick you up at 5"he says excitedly " alright I'll see you tomorrow at 5"I say and pull away from the hug I was screaming inside

"Sooo your going on a dateee"missy says "you guys heard"I say "yup everything we're excited for you"missy says the girls smiled at me "and it also looks like it's time for bed"fast forward says while looking at her watch "good night multiple"the girls said "good night"I say back to them I go to my dorm I change into my pajamas and read the book I then stopped cause I eventually got sleepy I just so excited for tomorrow
*almost 5 pm*I got dressed and did my hair I didn't really put anything fancy on I just put some comfortable clothes on I did some light makeup I was done getting ready I continued reading the book until I heard a knock on the door I placed down my book and opened the door "well you look nice"wildcard said and blushed "thank you wildcard you do too"I say with a smile on my face

We snuck out of the window wildcard took me to this ice cream place I ordered my ice cream so did wildcard I was about to payed until wildcard moved me out of the way and payed for the both of us it was nice of him but I felt guilty after he pays he puts his arm around my chest "thanks for paying but I shouldn't have payed with my own money"I say "no I should because it was my idea to take you out on a date"he says I didn't want to argue

It was quiet as we walked until I came up with a great idea "hey wildcard"I say and look up at him "hm"he mumbles "you have something right here"I say and point at his nose he wipes his nose "no I don't"he says and looks at me I smashed the ice cream on his nose "now you do"I say while laughing he started chasing me he caught me I was still laughing he couldn't be mad anymore so he laughed too he wiped the ice cream off his nose

We walked back to headquarters we got back inside "thanks for taking me on this date I liked it a lot"I say with a smile "your welcome"he says I started walking away until I remembered what I just going to tell him I promised myself that I'll tell him how I have feelings for him today "wait wildcard I need to tell you something"I say he turns back "ok tell me"he says in a calm tone "I really hope this doesn't ruin anything but I just need to get this off my chest..I like you ever since I laid eyes on you so will you be my boyfriend"I say " I would love to be your boyfriend"he says I hugged him

We kissed on the lips we pulled away and smiled at each other we felt eyes on us we turned to see everyone with shocked faces they suddenly cheered except for Lucy she went back to her dorm "see I told you face marker now give me my 20 dollars"wheels says and puts his hand out "ugh fine you won the bet"face marker says and reaches in his pocket and gives wheels the 20 dollars "THEY FINALLY GOT TOGETHER"everyone yells they all had a party me and wildcard both thought it was funny I am so glad to call wildcard mine

A/n:thank you all for 1.2k! views but I am sadly to say this is the last chapter I'm sorry it ended soon like I said I'm not really enjoying writing wildcard or Nathan books anymore like I used too I'm just glad some of you guys enjoyed my books or this book but I really hope you guys understand but have a great day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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