Talk about f*** boy

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I opened my eyes wide open the sun was shining on my face I left a little groan I get out of bed but it was quiet way too quiet I look at the time it's 10:09 in the morning I opened my door and peaked an saw no one downstairs this was kinda weird they're all usual awake at this time I go downstairs and hear some much noise underneath the floor my eyes widened

I quickly get dressed and brushed my teeth I look at the security cameras to see they're partying in the basement I suddenly see wildcard go up to Lucy he suddenly kisses her on the lips "what the fuck wildcard"a cappella says "what it's not like violets here"he says "so why does that matter you literally flirt with her and she probably has feelings for you"a cappella yells at him and throws water at him fast forward gave him a dirty look

I was shocked I suddenly felt a tear come out "no violet you shouldn't be crying over a stupid ass boy"I say to myself and wipe the tear I suddenly come up with a great idea I quietly go to wildcards dorm and look around I see he was a plant I started to control the plant it slowly started moving I put on his bed mostly everywhere I decided to stop because you literally couldn't walk in the room I snicker

Then I heard foot steps I quickly ran to my room I hear wildcards door open "bro what the fuck"he says he tries to break the vines but couldn't "I guess I'm sleeping on the couch today"he whines I suddenly get out of my room like nothing happened "good morning multiple"he says and was about to kiss my hand but I quickly yanked my hand out and gave him a dirty look

I sat in my seat "hey multiple"he says and tries to get my attention but I kept ignoring him "why you ignoring me"he says "fine then be like that"he says in a angry tone and stands up and go sit back to his own seat I also had a great idea again "hey violet we need to tell you somethi-"a cappella says and gets cutted off by me "yeah I know what happened I saw the security cameras but thanks guys for telling me and having my back"I say "your welcome and we're sorry that happened we knew you liked wildcard"fast forward whisper

"Its fine but I have an idea"I say I told them the plan until missy interrupted "violet can I talk to you a second" missy says "is this some sort of trap"I say missy chuckles "no of course not I just want to talk to you"she says "fine"I say we walk away from the girls "so I just wanted to say sorry for being such a brat to you I shouldn't have said none of those things I feel really horrible how I treated you so I'm asking if we can start over"missy says and adds a smile

I was shocked "are you still friends with Lucy"I say "no of course not anymore I realize how toxic she is and how rude she is"she says "fine then we can start over"I say missy smiles at me I put my hand out for her to shake she shakes it we walk back to a cappella and fast forward "so me and missy are friends now I was thinking she'll be great to be put of the plan"I say the girls hug missy to a welcome I told them the plan

At night:Me and missy filled a bucket filled with water "this is going to be so much fun"missy says "it sure is to bad it's tomorrow morning "I say "yeah but thankfully everyone is sleeping "missy says I nod in agreements walk over to the girls "here's the bucket"I say fast forward takes the bucket and ties the rope around it tight we tied it to the ceiling thankfully the rope is pretty long we filled Lucy's chair with pop snappers we put on the clip of wildcard kissing Lucy on the tv"gosh I feel so bad for you,you deserve better "missy says "thanks missy but how did you know I like wildcard"I say "well it obvious"she says I chuckled

Fast forward and a cappella put oil on the floor only outside wildcard and Lucy's door "missy since you usual sit next to Lucy your going to play a fart noise and spray this fart spray on her"I say and hand missy the farting spray she smirks she smells it she gags in disgust "this smells awful"she says I laughed I walked over to wildcard chair and put gorilla glue on his chair"he definitely going to get stuck"a cappella says "well it's what they deserve"I say they all agreed even through me and wildcard aren't dating he flirts with me literally all the time I thought he liked me but this prank was a great idea

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