Almost kidnapped

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We looked at the window and see a pile of blood that monster was dead for sure we suddenly see the lady we introduce us going in the room "clean up"the lady says and points at the dead body the quickly cleaned it up we "this is so disgusting to watch"missy says and gags "agreed"everyone says we were going to walk to where Noah and Emily were hiding until we feel someone's hand on our shoulders

"Now you children created this mess your going to the office now"the lady says we all look at each other in confusion we follow her to the office we suddenly get pulled into chairs they tie us up with a rope "let us go"I growl through my teeth everyone was kinda panicking "haha no you killed one of our friends"the lady says "friends well excuse me they we're trying to kill us for our powers"I say "I know that's why we're going to kill you guys"she says

They suddenly cover our mouths with tape the laughed everyone was freaking out except for me they left the cabin and closed the door I suddenly make a sharp object once I was done I gently cut the tape off my mouth I then cut the rope "we need a plan now"I say to wheels missy suddenly runs to grab a water "ok what's the plan violet"wheels says "yeah violet what's the plan"wildcard says and puts his arm around my chest
We were all in the bathroom I was doing everyone's makeup I already did everyone's except wildcards "so the plan is we fake passed out on the floor"wheels questions "yes"I say I was done with everyone's makeup we sorted down until we heard the door open we immediately fake passed out "looks like they're dead"the lady says and was about to touch my face until I quickly grabbed her arm and kicked her in the face

She fell on the floor the guards tried to attack me but wildcard and noddles hold them down everyone started fighting them until they all were on the floor we quickly ran out of the cabin I opened the door where Noah and Emily were hiding "hurry they're on the floor quickly run away"I say to them they got out and started climbing the fence "thank you so much violet and the other heroics"Noah and Emily says "your welcome"I say back suddenly everyone started running away

We all checked to see everyone was out of the cabins except the lady and her bodyguards the cabins were empty "ready"I say they all nod they're heads yes I rubbed my finger and set the place on fire I made it spread "let's go"I say we all ran and climbing the fence I teleported us back to headquarters and yes we have our stuff with us we all go to our dorms I laid on my bed thinking what just happened

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